Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Glee Lessons of the Week, Episode 20 "Theatricality"

Premise of the week: Tina is told she cannot dress goth by principal Figgans, and so she is left without a persona. Assignment, Gaga the hell out it to find Tina a new persona! Problem, the boys, minus Kurt, ain't up with it. What ensues is one of the most power episodes in the history of television for the right to be who you are, even when you're gay.

This is the most subversive television since 'All In the Family" exposed bigotry. It rocks the world in such a powerful way, that Diahann Carroll's ground breaking role in "Julia" remains on the dust heap of TV trivia. Nichelle Nichol and William Shatner's interracial kiss on "Star Trek" merely quaint. And the very fact that it does this beneath the paramours of moral indignation on the freaking FOX network; that it takes a middle aged gay guy to even notice it, says more about the future than any election in Pennsylvania's 12th, or Hawaii's 1st congressional district.

Burt Hummel's (Mike O'Malley) dressing down of Finn for his liberal use of the word faggoty left me really struggling to see the TV screen, HD not-with-standing. I've described this show as "must see TV," but honestly, I've a new disclaimer, "Watch it at your own risk." 'Cause it will challenge what you think you know, who you think you are, if you'll let it, it will make you a better person.

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