Monday, May 24, 2010

More, Mid-May Garden Stroll

Remember poor St. Francis, the committed mendicant, covered in snow this past winter? He's very much more at home in the midst of my flourishing circle garden. Yet nearly as obscured!

A shot of my compost in my garden. It's made of organic kitchen scraps and yard waste. And it's practically a garden of its own. The pulled pansies continue to bloom, and now both potatoes and tomatoes are sprouting out of it, too.

It's crazy? Isn't it! The pile's making this amazing rich nutrient filled dirt out of garbage. I have an opening at the bottom of the pile that I reach into to retrieve the new soil and the stuff on the top just keeps dropping and transforming. I've been keeping this compost for the past 16 years, and I've never gotten potato plants from any of the scraps until I switched to buying only organic potatoes. It's a thing to commit to further consideration, yes?

And there's this curious, yet robust plant that's just about to bloom. I saved it two years ago from a spot at my school where well-meaning oafs of volunteers were hell bent on obliterating it's colony of plants. They destroyed them then, but I managed to save this one. It's been in my garden now for two years, and has decided to bloom. And I have no freaking idea what it is! But it's beautiful. And that's enough.

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