Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Glee Finale Quotes

I will just begin with this, Glee is the most amazing TV ever conceived in an era when TV is becoming more and more irrelevant against the onslaught of other media options and idealogical/technological options. It's perhaps by raising the bar, that you discover genius.

The quotes from the finale are:

Second Runner up: “I have to be honest Will, I’m having a REALLY difficult time hearing anything that you have to say today, because your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist animated Disney characters to pop up and start singing songs about livin’ on the bayou.” ~ Sue Silvester

First Runner up: “My water just broke.” ~ Quinn Fabray

And the Winner!One day, all of you are going to be gone. And all of this—all of us—will be nothing but a hazy memory. It will take you a second to remember someone’s name. Someone will have to remind you of the songs we sung; the solos you got, or didn’t get. Life really has only one beginning and one end: and the rest is just a whole lot of middle. And I love you guys too much to let you not make the most of it.” ~ Will Schuster

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