Tuesday, June 22, 2010

World Cup 2010.4 ~ The Final 16

In the metrics of the World Cup, not only do the 32 top ranked teams not get guaranteed berth on the ship, the 3 match 4 member preliminary rounds allow for some amazing opportunities. The third stage of this portion of the tournament weeds out those who squander those gifts, as well as, highlighting the teams that are HOT, Hot, hot in the moment.

Today we witness a royal act of squandering by the team from Nigeria. Not that the South Koreans were waiting to roll over, but the Nigerians had at least 5 opportunities to score handed to them on a silver platter and wasted them in the second half of the game alone! It was pathetic to watch.

In the end of this first set of matches in round 3 of the preliminary group games Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico and South Korea have advanced. Two other squads have secured a place in the final 16 after round 2; Brazil and Paraguay. It's clearly a Latin/South American World Cup

The rest of the world plays out thusly and faithfully: 1) Asia and Oceania are barely a factor (although South Korea and Japan are spoilers were no spoilers before existed), 2) Africa plays under an inferiority complex still (All but one of their coaches is from Europe or South America), 3) Europe is in a shambles (France self-distructed, powerhouses Germany and Italy have been defeated once, as has the great hope of Europe Spain, England is clinging to a mathematical calculation to advance; only the Netherlands and Portugal are playing like possible champions), 4) And in North America two dark horses are creeping forward against impossible odds (Mexico and the United States).

This is why I love the World Cup. All that is good and amazing and powerful about men competing with their minds and bodies is present in this game. And while some must loose, the game remains open to all

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