Tuesday, June 22, 2010

South Carolina Enters The 21st Century....Well, Sort Of

She just won the primary...

If elected as Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley will join a rather exclusive club that began in 1923 with the election of Nellie Tayloe Ross as governor of Wyoming.

She would also become only the 30th woman to be elected to the office of governor. While 32 women before her had held the title: 20 of which have been Democrats and 12 Republicans.

The states that have been served by female chief executives in chronological order of their first woman governor and with the total number of women governors per state in parenthesis are:

1) Wyoming (1)
2) Texas (2)
3) Alabama (1)
4) Connecticut (2)
5) Washington (2)
6) New Hampshire (2)
7) Kentucky (1)
8) Vermont (1)
9) Nebraska (1)
10) Arizona (4)
11) Kansas (2)
12) Oregon (1)
13) New Jersey (1)
14) Ohio (1)
15) Massachusetts (1)
16) Montana (1)
17) Delaware (1)
18) Hawaii (1)
19) Utah (1)
20) Michigan (1)
21) Louisiana (1)
22) Alaska (1)
23) North Carolina (1)

27 states have yet to have a female governor.

In the 2010 cycle only 2 women appear to be viable, Susan Bartlett in Vermont and Meg Whitman in California.

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