Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World Cup 2010.5 ~ We did it!

Today's game between the United States and Algeria played at Tshwane/Pretoria's Loftus Versfeld Stadium was the most exciting match of the tournament to date. And the United States showed the world that we are tenacious, principled, and talented.

The game began with a page taken from Malian referee, Koman Coulibaly's, indefensible miss-called that denied the U.S. team a goal in their game against Slovenia, when Belgian referee, Frank de Bleeckere, denied the U.S. team's first goal with an off-sides call that replay tapes clearly showed was in error. To have a game deciding goal denied to you once at this level of international play is a tragedy; but, to have it happen a second time, and potentially deny a team the opportunity to advance is a travesty. Here are two referees with a combined total of 33 years of experience making bad calls against the United States. Conspiracy anyone? And seriously, I don't think that the case, but it would not be unreasonable for one to think that the deck is somehow stacked against US.

Yet, our team with grace and composure just kept on keeping on. The result is a righteous one, but the path that has gotten us here is one in which I am most proud. The U.S. team exhibited great endurance and generous team play in prosecuting this victory. Jay DeMerit was awesome in his defense of the goal. Time and again it was his response to an Algerian charge that sent the ball back toward the Algerian side of the field. Jozy Altidore, Maurice Edu, Benny Feilhaber, Clint Dempsey, Herculez Gomez, and Landon Donovan each had their moments. And when all was but lost, it was another selfless pass by Landon Donovan missed and followed-up by Donovan that scored the winning goal.

Now on to a rematch with Ghana in the semi-finals like 2006 back in Nüremburg, Germany. We didn't win then, but it's a new team U.S.A.

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