Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Say A Little Prayer~ The Game Show!

They say mimicry is the highest form of compliment. Well, they also say that white men can't dance, it never rains in southern California, and I'm not that funny.... People say all sorts of crazy shit. And speaking of crazy shit here are several ways to Say A Little Prayer! And I think they at least fun, if not funny.

Contestant #1

Love the lead, he's really sexy! Abdul needs rhythm!

Contestant #2

"My son is not gay...." But WHOSE son are you! Although not a fully formed identity, he's smartly already grooming his courtier of Fag Hags! And girls, you're both dahling!

Contestant #3

WOW! She's, mmm...He's wonderful! And what wonderful friends.

Contestant #4

Oh Little Diana! YOU still need to let go of all of the Southern Baptist, Black boys don't play catcher, inhibitions; elsewise there's only a down low future for you brother, and that ain't no way to live! The back-ups are the best (hot hips!)

Contestant #5

For something completely different, a girl in the lead! And the boys still outshine! What is it about cute Pinoy boys?--but I digress....

The Original!

You've been Gleeked!

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