Thursday, July 08, 2010

World Cup 2010.10 ~ Finals

Sunday's World Cup Finale has been set and so much for this being a South American tournament. The Netherlands will face off against Spain for Places 1 & 2.

On Saturday, Uruguay will meet Germany to decide who is crowned 3rd and 4th.

In my fantasy finales the roster would look like this:

#1 ~ The Netherlands
#2 ~ Spain
#3 ~ Uruguay
#4 ~ Germany

But since when have been right about much in this tournament? Well, I did call the Netherlands in the final match, but otherwise, I'm no expert on the nuances of futbol. I am, however, a fan.

Historically, both Uruguay and Germany have been champions in this tournament in the past, neither the Netherlands nor Spain have. So this is really a good thing for the sport, to crown a new champion. In 18 tournaments since 1930, only 7 different nations have claimed the titled: a rather exclusive little club. The nations currently vying for the top 4 slots have a really varied history.

GERMANY: Has been in this position 10 times counting 2010 making it the most successful team in the history of the sport. In their previous 9 showings, they have (and this includes them as West Germany in the majority of these matches) 3 first places, 4 second places, 2 third places, and 1 fourth place titles. The championship has been held in Germany 2 times over the years. First, in 1974 and (West) Germany won. Next, in 2006 when they came in 3rd for the second time.

URUGUAY: Has joined the top 4 in four previous tournaments. The last time was 40 years ago in 1970 in Mexico. In their previous showings, they have 2 first places and 2 fourth places. They hold the unique distinction of being the very first champion of the World Cup in 1930, which was also the only time that the championship was held in Uruguay. Their second finish and win came in 1950 (the first competition held after WW II) in Brazil when they bested Brazil without an actual tournament, but a series of "round robin" games. They legitimately, finished 4th in 1954 in Switzerland and in 1970 in Mexico.

The NETHERLANDS: Has been a presence in the top 4 teams on three other occasions. They have finished second on 2 and fourth on 1 of those world championships. In both 1974 (in Germany) and 1978 (in Argentina) they made it to the finals. And in both instances they were defeated by the team of the host nation. In 1998, in France, they finished 4th after being defeated by Croatia in a year when France (the host nation) won and Brazil came in second. IF they suffer from the "Host Nation" jynx, that is NOT a problem in South Africa. And my personal feeling is they've 1) paid their dues, and 2) have been the most consistently well coached, well executed team in the tournament. No flash, but a faithful commitment to winning.

SPAIN: Has only been a player at this level on one occasion and then came in 4th. It was that non-tournament year of "round robin" judgements back in 1950 in Brazil, and they came in fourth. To take the tournament this year would be both a coup and the fulfillment of a faction of pundit's prognostications from the beginning. My problem is that they just haven't played as well as the Netherlands to date. But be that as it may, Sunday will decide which team is the top team, and in this tournament, I will rejoice with the squad that come out on top!

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