Sunday, October 03, 2010

What I'm Watching #253

Writer and Director Cui Zi'en brings us this story of familial estrangement from China. Sent off to live with a grandfather after the death of his mother, the now adult Ray comes to live with his father, who is to him a virtual stranger. Ray is attracted to men and his father is not amused. Within the 92 minutes of this film Ray seeks relationship and dad thwarts him in every way he can in the belief that this is "just a phase".

Sparse and monotone in its cinematography, there is still the gem of a story worth the time to experience. I found it as interesting as a story as it was also a window on a culture. For instance, why do Chinese leave their bedroom doors wide open when having gay sex so that their fathers can finally choose to walk by and see their naked bodies all akimbo on the beds in post orgasmic slumber? Anyone? Anyone?

A film with more questions than answers...

1 comment:

  1. why do Chinese leave their bedroom doors wide open when having gay sex so that their fathers can finally choose to walk by and see their naked bodies all akimbo on the beds in post orgasmic slumber? Anyone? Anyone?

    They don't. Privacy is very prized in Chinese society because people get so little of it. So if there is an opportunity to be private, they will take advantage of that. I can only suppose that leaving the door open was the most convenient way of advancing the plot.

    On the other hand, family members think nothing of knocking then barging through doors before being given permission to enter.
