Monday, August 06, 2012

London Olympics Editorial #2

FROM USA Today: "LONDON – Ryan Lochte's mother had a bit of an eye-opening experience this week.

"She learned that if she says something about her superstar son and the phrase "one-night stand," it's going to go viral.

Her initial comments, which were on NBC's Thursday, read: "He goes out on one-night stands. He's not able to give fully to a relationship because he's always on the go."

So after his mother explained his lack of a steady girl friend by telling us that he just goes out on "one night stands," she later retracted it by acting all stupid about what a "one night stand" is and all. I just totally laughed at the whole exchange. HELLO? WAKE UP, Ye Puritans of America! News Flash: Not only is there all the porn you can ever hope to experience at your fingertips on the internet, but locating a sexual partner is not rocket science either!

And if you're young and relatively attractive (he typed, tongue punching a hole in his cheeky cheek), then finding someone to have a NSA ("No Strings Attached"--for you uninformed few) "play date" with is easier than discovering a tomato worth buying the grocery store.

I say, "Ryan, latex is your best friend. Now, go forth, and play nice!"

What I will not do is lay a moral blanket for "normal" human behavior over this story, or pretend for even one second that there is anything magical about traditional family structures. They are only working for about 35% of the general population--even halfway well--now for the past 40 years.

While I do think that the faithful, child-rearing model is beautiful and special. So are all configurations that bring meaning to the human heart and support and love for relationships where children are or are not present.

Sexual intercourse and sexual activity are human imperatives and normal, natural, dare I say it?, HEALTHY activities. Their is no need to create a moral template around SEX in the 21st century (children are an option that both side of this equation have control and responsibility over, as is disease prevention) any more than there is any reason to attach moral superiority to abstaining from sexual desire. Bless those who think sex is yucky, but don't stigmatize those who find it fulfilling.

Grow-up America! Sex is awesome! More power to Ryan Lockte. Again--play safe. play nice.

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