Monday, August 05, 2013


am so happy this summer. It's not that I've been unhappy in particular in past summers, though there were a few years back in the beginning of this millennium when I needed to regain my equilibrium. Yet this summer my happiness is particular. It's Romeo.

Tonight I slipped out to run an errand around 8:15 and was back home by 8:50. Before I left, we had been lounging together on the couch. I was watching an episode of Law & Order, and he was basically sleeping on top of me as he likes to do and I allow him. When I came back, he greeted me at the door. I put the eggs and cream down on the dining room table and then he just would not let me go. 

He followed me like he was somehow lashed to me with invisible fibers and, so I went into the living and sat down to allow him the chance to "hug" me and tuck his forehead into my belly. A ritual that he seems to enjoy and brings him comfort. But tonight, that wasn't enough!

Oh, no. He had to jump up on to my lap! Now, I have a BIG lap, but he is a BIG boy. What ensued reminded me of those "acrobats" from variety shows of my youth who would find a way to somehow keep dozens of plates spinning on wobbly thin poles. No matter what they tried to do, some other aspect of the enterprise demanded there attention, right? So I did my best to "juggle" Romeo and embrace him and tell him that I love him--I so do! Until finally it was apparent to both of us that I was home, he was safe, and our present physical iteration was ill-fated and needed to change before something fell to the floor and shattered!

He jumped down at my encouragement, and then he was fine.

He doesn't cling to me. However, he, in fact, always greets me at the door with great need for a little hugging time, but the longer I am away, the less urgent his need for ministrations is--while brief jaunts seem to demand a greater reaffirmation of our kinship.

This coming to understand my little man (My goodness, he's only been a member of my family for 3 months and 10 days!) is very interesting and life affirming. If I could have one wish, it would be to see into the 15 months of his life from his birth until his arrival at Dulles International Airport. That would be so insightful. But without it, I am learning to spin plates and by intuition with his help keep them from breaking. No wonder I am happy!

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