Sunday, August 18, 2013

Romeo's World #4

O Dios Mio! I remembered some Spanish today on my walk! I was preparing to "do my duty," when all of sudden this black snake--¡muy grande!--took off out of the tall grass right where I was balancing on 3 legs!!! It literally scared the poop out me! (My guy said that I could use the word "literally" this way without being scolded by language purists, whatever that means.)

My guy shouted, "Yikes!" or maybe it was "Holy Shit!!" everything happened so fast. This snake was at least a meter long, and moved very fast. My guy told me that it could move so fast because it was sun bathing, and the sun helps snakes be faster. My guy said it was an Eastern Black Rat Snake, Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta. He knows about these things much better than I do. I don't speak Latin!

Like that wasn't enough fun, on our way back along the trail as we were turning a corner, my guy spotted another dog with a human companion, and he stopped us, because he could see that the other dog was not on a leash. That dog's companion saw us and attached the leash again quickly. That's when I saw him. WOW~ He was SO BIG, too!

My guy told me that he looked like a Great Dane and Pit Bull Terrier mix. He was orange with beautiful tiger stripping. He was very nice and didn't pay too much attention to me, but I decided that I would just act totally cool by standing behind my guy's legs and watching from behind them. My guy tried to get me to move, but then he asked the young lady if she wouldn't just go by us instead. That was a very good idea, I thought. My guy warned her about the snake, and she thanked him saying she was glad to know that and would keep her dog on a leash. Then we watched them walk away and disappear around the corner of the trail.

We turned back toward home, and as we were crossing the first bridge over the creek my guy said what we were both thinking, "Romeo, that dog's cajones were literally as big as your head!" And I thought, my guy knows how to use the word "literally," too.

When my guy shared this with his friend Lillie, she asked me,
"Romeo, you have the most fun and adventurous walks.  Why is that?"

Dear Lillie,

Really?  I think that I just get out there and am an observant sort of dog. I bet that if you could smell the world like I do--you would discover that all around you there is a world of intrigue and adventure.  Use your nose, too. Always use your sense of smell. It can show things that even your ears and eyes might miss.

It's not a perfect way to experience stuff, I sometimes miss things, too.  Still, get out there and go for it--life is full of wonderful things!

Pura Vida,


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