Sunday, April 27, 2014

Roméo's First Anniversary in the United States

This one is Roméo's special day, so I'll let him tell of it.

Today is my Anniversary! I'm not exactly sure what that is, but it means my guy and I are celebrating and I really am happy about that!

This morning instead of going for a walk in the park we got into the truck and went to this special park called The National Arboretum.
I like riding in the truck long as it's not too far.
It's very big!

I was so excited that I did not hold still very well...
We climbed a mountain together called the Azalea Forest or Mount Hamilton or something like that. Other people were there, too and some had dogs, and I got lots of compliments. One woman said to my guy when we passed her while she was taking photos, "My dog would never be that well behaved." And an older man said to the members of his family, "Look. That dog is really enjoying himself." I guess he didn't know my name is Roméo, but he was correct--I was enjoying myself. 

 At the very top you could see the U.S. Capitol building and my guy thought that was very special.

When we came down off of the "mountain," we walked around a big area with trees from all 50 states. We didn't see all of them, but we did see Maryland, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, South Carolina, Oklahoma and D.C.'s trees. By that time in our visit, I didn't have a single drop of pee left inside me--what a waste!

After our hike we went to the Big Bad Woof. I've been there a couple of times before. It's a store for dogs! It's were I went to get my purple harness. Today we were going to get me some Nepalese Yak Cheese chews, but the woman said they were all out and the distributor was having trouble getting more. Oh, no! My guy was obviously disappointed. And then the woman gave me two free turkey treats! Then my guy decided I should try some new things. SO we got a bag of organic chicken jerky, a bag of dehydrated duck's feet and a nice big marrow beef bone! Wow! I love anniversaries.
But they do you make you very tired, too.

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