Thursday, July 24, 2014

Federal Court Watch

Something very interesting happened today in the United States senate that is worth noting. You may recall back in November of 2013, the Senate Democrats amended the rules for confirming presidential nominees in the face of unrelenting and unreasonable Republican obstructionism. The loyal opposition had begun using the senatorial hold and filibuster to degrees double and triple ANY former opposition party and a crisis was brewing in the Federal judiciary that even Republican Chief Justice John Roberts complained openly about, as well as, in the foreign service and executive departments.

When Harry Reid spearheaded this move--Republicans cried like little babies whose lollipop had just been swiped. It was the end of democracy as we know it! Well, they got that part right. And then the government began at least in this one area to work again.
Since then 55 nominees have been confirmed to the Federal District courts, and 12 elevated to the Federal Appeals courts. Not a single one has been appointed on a party-line vote. Today, three more were confirmed to the Federal District Court bench by three unanimous 100-0 votes! Oh, the sky is falling.... Republicans treat governance like a game, until no one is looking.

Meet the new Judges.

 John W. deGravelles, of Louisiana, to be U.S. District Judge for the district of Middle Louisiana.
 Robin L. Rosenberg, of Florida, to be U.S. District Judge for the district of Southern Florida.
Andre Birotte, Jr., of California, to be U.S. District Judge for the district of Central California.

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