Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today's Sermon


There was some disagreement among as to who should play the angel. Peter nominated Nancy because of her long blonde hair, but then Roxanne argued that angels did not have long blonde hair: they had no hair, they were hairless beings. Roxanne suggested Emanuel, who was bald, but who was also an albino. No one had ever heard of an albino angel. Emanuel himself argued that Ernesto should play the angel, because he had once held a job in a typewriter factory, back when there were typewriter factories, back when there were typewriters. What could be more angelic than that? Emanuel asked, and we felt he had us there: night was falling; Ernesto it would have to be. Slowly Ernesto lifted his arms, so that we could see his wings. They were smaller than we had expected. Seeing them somehow made us all feel shy.

~ G. C. Waldrep, 1968 -

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