Saturday, August 16, 2014

Down Under Vaca?

My friend Rod from Gladstone, Victoria is enticing me to come for a vaca in Australia.  If only I had the cash!  So this week a package came with travel brochures from him to fuel the flames of my fantasy life!  But who knows?
He's proposing a three leg adventure.

First, stop Sydney and I'm on my own for a few days.  I put on my itinerary the following: The Opera House (no brainer!), The Royal Botanical Gardens, The Art Gallery of New South Wales and The Taronga Zoological Park.

Next, to Melbourne and Rod's stompin' grounds.  He plans a road trip and fly over of the Twelve Apostles with lots of photography, beer and canine named F.R.E.D. who can actually do dishes!

Finally, a visit to Tasmania.  Like WOW, right?  Someday.

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