Saturday, August 16, 2014

How Today Started

I have joined the local advocacy group The Friends of Sligo Creek.  Today they sponsored a tree walk led by a local arborist and landscaper, Matt Cohen.  It started @ 9:00 AM and lasted for about 2.5 hours.
 Matt began by sharing two insect denizens of the woods along the creek.  Here you can see the katydid that escaped to rest for a time on the top of his cap.
 With knowledge and humor he turned a Tulip Popular leaf into a "cat" mask.
 Here a cicada shell rests against fungi shelf on a Black Locust.
 While talking about the invasive Porcelain Berry vine, I noticed this invasive stink bug resting on one nearby.
 Here, Matt talks about the characteristics of the Box Elder, a letter member of the Maple family.
 And here he is comparing the Porcelain Berry to one of the native Wild Grape species in the park.  Another friend calls them 'Possum Grapes'.
In the end about 30 of the original 50 participants remained.  A wonder way to spend the morning!

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