Sunday, August 24, 2014

Throw Back Sunday: 1986 Wilmore, Kentucky

Throwback Sunday....I'm cleaning and in the process discovering...It's a slog for sure. So I came across this painting in a closet and then all the wonderful memories, too. When I first came back from Costa Rica, I returned to central Kentucky and got my first apartment. It was two bedroom and so I also always had an apartment mate. Often they were friends from college who remained to continue their studies at a local seminary. And so my circle of friends went from college students to seminarians. My apartment was close the campus and so it became a sort of hang-out for seminarians and their friends. We'd have dinners, story reading evenings, music evenings, even a watercolor club! 

The painting is the first made by Jonathan Moore who would become a roommate and often led the music gatherings. That's also him in the hammock on one of our camping excursions to the Smokey Mountains--what a trollop! 
The other is a picture of my then roommate Bill Seitz discovering his inner Picasso. What good years those where.

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