Sunday, November 16, 2014

The End of a Series

I have for some years--decades? made fabric ornaments each holiday season. For the past 5 I have made them on the theme of sea creatures. This year the motif is Crabs!
The entire exercise started with a passage from "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote--a short story that I used to read aloud to assembled guests after lulling them into submission with a simply sumptuous advent dinner and then the promise of a killer desert, if they sit still and listen nicely! It always seemed to work.
The sea creature series as been made in duplicates so that I keep one and send one off into the universe to friends and acquantences. Some probably have--or will have--all 5 of them, others only a one or a couple. It's all very ad hoc, and in the spirit of a random act of kindness--my favorite kind of kindness.

To bring this chapter to a close, I bought some new fabrics with designs inspired by Australian Aboriginal art.  I have a friend in Victoria who is always tempting me to come visit NSW for the holidays.  It's not something I can easily aford, but I do so appreciate his insistence.  To honor that, I am  going to use the new fabric to create a complete pair in the series and send one set to him.

The Star Fish is my first use of the fabric to recreate one of the sea creature ornaments with it.

Other patterns include: Fish, Seahorses, and Sea Turtles.

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