Thursday, November 20, 2014

What Is Wrong With SCOTUS

The Supreme Court of the United States--i.e. SCOTUS was envisioned as a co-equal branch of a government designed to create road blocks of actions so that every move in the governance of the people was thoroughly vetted.  I love this.  I really do.

The unspoken caveat was that each branch was representative of the people.  This is the problem with the supreme court--it never has.  And today, as the United States becomes more and more embracing of its demographic reality--the court falls short in the one area where it should be the least partisan: Religion.  SCOTUS is a religiously conflicted and FLAWED body.
What would make the court more representative of the United States?


Drop a white judge for either an Asian or Mult-racial judge.  Best choice?  A judge with a Filippino father and a Domincan mother. (who is female)


Drop two male judges for female judges.  Both should be white men--you're safe justice Thomas!


Drop two Jews and four Catholics.  Period.  Tata.  Bye bye.  Sionara.  23-skiddoe.

Replace them with two non-religious judges, and four protestants.

It's as Simple as that.

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