Friday, March 20, 2015



In my backyard, there are
a few crocuses.
I've dabbled at planting them--
mostly without any success.
So now they amount to
a dribble and drab of wannabe beds
or isolated individuals and usually
for every one that never appears again,
some new ones pop up!
Such is the mystery of
the propagation of crocus .

And yet, I have this
one small faithful flock, this
sublime shtetl...this colony of crocus
that year in and year out arrives
and is just glorious.
I don't know what
they've been dreaming about
all the year long in their
subterranean hovels, but
I do hope that my utter admiration,
my delight at their primavera beauty
somehow pleases whatever it is
that constitutes a crocus' conscience.

~ Randy William Ash

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