Sunday, April 24, 2016

Spring Break Redux: The Woodland Park Zoo, part 3 of 9

Leaving the humid warmth of the Tropical Rain Forest Aviary to the world of Primates. The Red Ruffed Lemurs were out--at least for a little while. Lemurs are such interesting animals and like any animal patience is a virtue. The Ring-tailed Lemurs were not out, but I include a photo of their exhibit because it's simple lovely, too. The Colobus Monkeys were out, but it had begun to rain a little and so I didn't terry long enough to take a pic. The Western Lowland Gorillas were represented and you could view them from the dryness of a covered shelter. I had only just learned two months earlier that one of the Woodland Park Zoo's gorillas was in Washington, DC at the National Zoo to be bred with one of the male gorillas there. If successful, it would represent the second newborn gorilla for the troop at Woodlands Park in as many years.

 Red Ruffed Lemur

 Red Ruffed Lemur
 Red Ruffed Lemur

 Western Lowland Gorilla, Amanda

 Western Lowland Gorilla, Uzummi with humans

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