Sunday, April 24, 2016

Spring Break Redux: The Woodland Park Zoo, part 2 of 9

Next stop at the Woodland Park Zoo was the Jaguar exhibit and then the Tropical Rainforest House and aviary. The jaguar was snoozing, but I had to share some images of his enclosure--it is HUGE! with a waterfall, a pond to swim in and a stream. The Tropical Rainforest House was wonderfully toasty! And full of a wide range of animals from Poison Dart Frogs to Ocelots to Sloths to Toucans. Here are just a few--pretty much determined by which pics worked. The contiguous Aviary is just one of many at the zoo and was very well designed to give you the sense of traveling through the mid-section of the tropical jungle with lots of beautiful, singing birds. I will Identify individual animals at the point of the pics.


 Blue-crowned Motmot

 Golden Lion Tamarin
 Entering the Topical Aviary.
 Andean Cock-of-the-Rock
 White-tailed Trogon

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