Friday, July 01, 2016

Little Free Libraries of Takoma Park

I made a hometown field trip! I literally tried to drive up and down every street in Takoma Park in search of Little Free Libraries. I had a feeling that there were a lot of them. I seem to see new ones all the time. I figured maybe 15. To my surprise I discovered 27! (And reviewing my adventure on an actual map, I think I covered about 90%+ of the streets.)

As a side I learn some other wonderful things about my chosen hometown.

1) There are so many amazingly beautiful homes
2) Gardens abound on every street and in diverse places
3) People display art in their yards in a wide variety to formats
4) There are a lot of people buying homes and then renovating or completely building from scratch new homes on the old lots
5) In every neighborhood evidence that celebrates racial, sexual, and cultural diversity is astounding.
6) It's no wonder that my property values are so high!!

And so, without further ado, I give you the results of my explorations: The 27 Little Free Libraries of Takoma Park, Maryland! (And yes, some are very similar--I think there was a workshop held at our local independent library that birthed them!)

Oh! And I dedicate this to my friend, Tom, who was my conduit to this amazing literacy phenomenon, and who has helped to transform his Chicago neighborhood in the same way.

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