Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Glen Echo Art @ the Yellow Barn

This past Sunday, I ran over to Glen Echo National Park & Historic Site.  It's one of the original Chautauqua sited from the 1890's as well as the final homestead of Clara Barton.  Her Historic home is there and then across a little ravine you enter the Glen Echo Park area which maintains several historic buildings from the original camp meeting sight to additions through the 1930's.  Today there is also an artists community of about 15 artists with grants to use the facilities to support their art.  Among the artists are painters, sculptors, potters, glass blowers, jewelers and even puppeteers.  One of the highlights of the space is the Spanish Ballroom with weekly regular community dance events.  Salsa/Mambo/Tango nights, Square dances, Polkas, and Irish Kiely dancing.  Another is a magnificent classic Merry-go-Round.

 Artists yurts!
 Spanish Ballroom dance hall
Art Deco complex with galleries, theater and puppet theater.

 The Yellow Barn Art Gallery

 Three of my friends paintings above and two more that I liked by other artists below.

 The Grand Merry-Go-Round!  Magnificent.

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