Monday, April 10, 2017

Smithsonian National Zoo, Chapter 10

The final leg of my visit took me into areas where the sightlines to get a good photograph of animals was abysmal.  I did get to see the California Seal Lions and their 10-month-old she-pup.  They were very playful.  If only there were a way to see them with the chain link wiring or filthy plexiglass... 

Then up the winding American trail that just opened last year and features habitats for Harbor Seals, American Bald Eagle, Common Raven, Timber Wolves, Beavers, and North American Otters.  The views of the path were not obstructed, or even very crowded.  As soon as I got back into the older part of the zoo--crowds! 

My final stop was to the Cheetah area that includes the African Herbivores that the zoo maintains... But, yup, you guessed it--it was closed!  My parting photo was of the crowds waiting to enter the zoo and it was pretty much a non-stop stream of people walking up the hill past me toward the zoo on my return to the Metro.

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