Monday, September 04, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #19: Grand Teton National Park

Saturday morning we headed out for a day of exploring two of our most well known National Parks. The Main focus was Yellowstone, but to get there and to come back we had to drive through the northern end of Grand Teton National Park. Here are some of the images going and returning at dusk of the Grand Tetons.  The images are of the mountain range without any of the park's other sites, but seriously--they are the Grand Tetons!
 First sighting just east of Moran, Wyoming.
 Fireweed, Epilobium angustifolium, at a roadside rest stop.
 The rest Stop bulletin board offered helpful and timely information like this.
 And this.

 This is the snow that does not melt.  Well, at least not yet...
 Taken from the shore of Jackson Lake in the evening.
 This image of the Grand Tetons without the shoreline reminded me of the mountains of eastern Taiwan that drop so abruptly into the Pacific Ocean from my ferry passage between Keelung and Hualien--that was over 30 years ago now.  Some things just imprint themselves upon your mind's eyes so profoundly.

A last look as the sun was setting.

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