Thursday, September 07, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #20: Yellowstone National Park

The high-point of this day was Yellowstone National Park.  A place with so many amazing and unique geological, geographic and scenic wonders.  We spent about 6 hours and came in and left through the southern entrance making the larger, southern (central) loop of the park's figure-8 core of roadways.  You can see that in that time we really did get to see a lot.
 Lily-pads on the lower Lewis River.

 Lewis Falls.

 Old Faithful Geyser and Visitor Center.

 Firehole Lake Drive Geysers and Hot Springs.

 A lone American Bison, Bison bison, along the road.
 Yellowstone River, Upper Falls.

 Yellowstone River Lower Falls.

 The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River.

 More American Bison.

 Mud Volcanoes.

 Yellowstone Lake

 My new buddy, Barney.

Indian Paintbrush, Castilleja miniata.

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