Friday, September 08, 2017

Summer Vacation Redux #21: Wind River Sunrise

So let's see--where are we on revisiting my cross-country Total Eclipse of the Sun Road Trip? Getting closer to the eclipse. Having spent Saturday on a whirlwind tour of Yellowstone National Park and a little clipping of Grand Teton National Park for good measure, Sunday was a day of rest. Well, more restful and, dare I say it, spiritual endeavors. But it began with just soaking in the beauty all around my friends' cabin. Greg and Pamela have built for themselves and their friends such a beautiful sanctuary. The inspiration surrounded this special space is matched by their generosity and openness. While it is true that Pamela and I have been FB friends for some time now, this was our first meeting--and for me, it felt like being with family from the first. I know I'm not telling anyone who knows them anything new. When you see the beauty in this land, imagine how it is also manifest in my friends. Sun rise on the Wind River.

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