Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Random Quote #59

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
"The thing I remember best about successful people I've met all through the years is their obvious delight in what they're doing . . . and it seems to have very little to do with success. They just love what they're doing, and they love it in front of others."

` "Mr." Fred Rogers, 1929 - 2003

Ce reve bleu

Pedj et Kelly ---- Laissez des coms. Tres Jolie! N'est pas?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Gerry M. Would Be Proud!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Do you have any idea what you're looking at? Is the top some exotic kelp on display at the Monterrey Aquarium? -- the bottom some ancient Roman footware with golden straps twisted and misshapen by centuries of encasement in the earth? Naw! The truth is actually even more bizzare.


The top is a map of Maryland's 3rd Congressional District, the bottom is Tennessee's 7th. Both are for members of the US House of Representatives. The top is safely Democrat, the bottom safely Republican. Notice anything unusual about them? Well, if your answer has to do with their shape the buzzer just nixed your response! Because, you see, once upon a time Gerrymandering was unconstitutional, but given the fact that these districts exist and are viable, that's just no longer true! The only thing that seems to matters is that some sliver of land connects members of a district, one to another. Period.

I used to think that the rules for constructing districts were part of the Constitution, but I am wrong. Here's a response to that idea from the website "The U.S. Constitution Online".

"Congressional Districts divide almost every state in the United States into two or more chunks; each district should be roughly equal throughout the entire country. Each district elects one Representative to the House of Representatives. The number of districts in each state is determined by the decennial census, as mandated by the Constitution. But districts are not mentioned in the Constitution. The United States Code acknowledges districting, but leaves the "how's" to the states (gerrymandering, however, is unconstitutional [as seen in Davis v Bandemer, 478 U.S. 109 (1986), though, the intent of gerrymandering is difficult to prove])."

Hard to prove? Looking at these selected examples, NO DUH! Can you say, "Impossible to prove!"

And perhaps that is an essential part of what needs to be changed in order to restore the power of the Constitution to provide us with a less corruptable democratic governance structure.


I would propose that an amendment be added to the United States Constitution that directs states to create the most compact and contiguous districts possible based on county populations. These districts should begin with the county in the Northwestern most corner of the state and move east, and then return to the northwestern remaining edge and repeat the process until such a distict was created. When a county's population is to be split between districts, that division of representation should likewise move in bands of land 25 miles deep (north to south) starting from the Northwestern most edge of the effected county and moving in an easterly direction sweeping the county from west to east until the appropriate number of constituents is attained based on the most recent census data. (I would the manipulation of this rule to include contiguous neighborhoods that did not extend beyond ONE additional mile. Period.

Again, we're talking about DEMOCRACY here. Not calculated political gamesmenship. Democracy is about every voice being equal, and in order to better serve this possibility under our present form of government, a more objective and random (i. e. FAIR) system of allocating representation seems like a must have component.

This is only one of my ideas for restoring the power of the Constitution and restraining the power of the political parties.

We cannot ignore that the system is broken. We sleep at our own peril....

"The Black Keys"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
From a post card announcing my friends latest gallery show at Gallery Siano in Philadelphia. The show runs from November 2 - 24.

Unfortunately the PO scratched the card vertically on the painting on the left....

Start The Week With A Smile

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The Caption Reads:

"He rubbed your belly and it felt good--that doesn't make you gay."

But it doesn't mean your not, either..... he he he

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Can I Get A Witness?

Last Saturday, while washing my truck in the driveway of my home, my neighborhood was descended upon by a group of "evangelists" from a newly forming Baptist church which has just started to meet at my neighborhood elementary school. (Who knows what eggregious "SIN" was committed by someone in the previous flock to force these good people to form a new one! -- I certainly don't.)

They arrived in a late model Cadillac and emerged as two elderly black men, three young Hispanic women, and 3 Hispanic children, all dressed for church. After wandering around the street and talking amongst themselves for a few a minutes, one of the men and a boy of about 12 approached me and offered me a flyer to a meeting where I would learn all about the "End Times" and God's plan for my life.

Okay, it was Saturday and I didn't have anywhere to go, so I decided to play along. We talked about God and the Bible and I swear to you within 10 minutes I got him to tell me that Salvation is based upon our behavior -- that Christians EARN their salvation!

And I laughed out loud at him. Pitty the fools! They cling to the Bible, but have no idea what it says!

Finally, I really needed to get my truck washed, so I told him he could stick a flyer in my door (and he sent the boy up to do it), and I wished him God's blessing (and good riddence!)

If there is a God, how on earth does God respond to such blatant ignorance which parades itself as God's very own messenger? Grace aside, after a couple of millenia, I'd be pissed.

Random Quote #58

"God does not love you because you are good. God loves you because God is good."

~ Richard Rohr, OFM, 1943 -

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Our Latest American Hero #43

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
You've probably noticed an up tick in the frequency of this theme of late, and it's intentional. As October has become the deadliest month in this little undeclared "war" on terrorism, I am responding with more posts. I found this particular one particularly poignant. After two weeks of searching, I could only come up one news article on this young man. It was in the Hampton Daily News (his hometown paper) and it basically said nothing. It was repeated in other places, the Baltimore Sun, and Georgia TV station, but nothing new was added to the original to illuminate and celebrate a life sacrificed for you and me.

Airman 1st Class Leebenard E. Chavis, 21, of Hampton, Va.; assigned to the 824th Security Forces Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, Ga.; killed Oct. 14 while performing duties as a turret gunner with the Iraqi police in the vicinity of Baghdad.

“Hampton Airman Killed In Iraq”

Airman 1st Class Leebenard E. Chavis, a 21-year-old airman from Hampton, was killed Saturday in Iraq, the Defense Department announced today.

He was assigned to the Georgia-based 824th Security Squadron and was working as a turret gunner with the Iraqi police in Baghdad.

Chavis was a 2003 graduate of Phoebus High School, according to Hampton school division spokeswoman Ann Stephens.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Our Latest American Hero #42

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Army Spc. Jason A. Lucas, 24, of Columbus, Ohio; assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Fort Polk, La.; died Oct. 13 from injuries sustained when his vehicle was struck by a suicide bomber using a vehicle-born improvised explosive device in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

“Soldier Remembered As Family Man”

WEST JEFFERSON, Ohio - An Ohio soldier killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan was remembered at his funeral as a fun-loving family man.

Army Spc. Jason A. Lucas "was bubbly and happy," loved his wife and two young sons and liked singing Elvis Presley songs, Army National Guard Chaplain Andrew Aquino said.

Lucas, who grew up in Columbus and London in central Ohio, was killed Oct. 13 while riding in a van filled with explosives. The 24-year-old had been in Afghanistan for 38 days as a member of a NATO peace keeping force.

He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, based at Fort Polk, La.

More than 200 people attended brief services Tuesday at Rader-McDonald Funeral Home in this city 15 miles west of Columbus.

Inside the funeral home, pictures showed Lucas cuddling with wife Monica and sons Zausten and Ethan. Outside, dozens of mourners stood along the road and held flags as the funeral procession passed.

The local fire department, an American Legion post and a garden store lowered flags to half-staff.

Michael J. Fox...another American Hero

By now, anyone reading this post must have heard about Michael J. Fox's TV commercials supporting candidates who support stem cell research and which were and are being aired in Missouri, Maryland, and Wisconsin. They are amazing glimpses into the human reality of this issue. Here's a portion of what the New York Time's said about them:

“Making Stem Cell Issue Personal, And Political” from the New York Times

The plea is as disturbing — and arresting — as a hostage video from Iraq. In a navy blazer and preppy Oxford shirt, the actor Michael J. Fox calmly asks viewers to support stem cell research by voting for several Democratic candidates in Maryland, Missouri and Wisconsin, while his body sways back and forth uncontrollably like a sailor being tossed around in a full-force gale.

In short, Mr. Fox’s display of the toll Parkinson’s disease has taken on him turned into one of the most powerful and talked about political advertisements in years.

Republican strategists who saw how quickly the commercial was downloaded, e-mailed and reshown on news broadcasts certainly thought so. Rush Limbaugh rushed in to discredit Mr. Fox, though he mostly hurt himself. Mr. Limbaugh, the conservative radio talk show host, told his listeners that the actor either “didn’t take his medication or was acting.” Mr. Limbaugh later apologized for accusing Mr. Fox of exaggerating his symptoms, but said that “Michael J. Fox is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democrat politician.”

As to the detractors...NO, as to Mr. Limbaugh and his juvenile, ignorant, calculated, "shilling for the Republican's" remark, I have this to say. You sir, are reason enough to cease one's belief in a just GOD. Because you are healthy, wealthy, and able to deceive millions of Americans while jetting off to places like the Dominican Republic with your illegal Viagra for sex crazed vacations with abjectly poor minority girls. Bravo, Rush! You've arrived.

And to think people still manage to speak poorly about the concept of selling one's soul to the Devil....

"Now's the Time.....Taste the Hypocracy!"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
In recent years Coors Brewing Company of Golden, Colorado has sought to expand its market share into the Gay & Lesbian community. (A strategy that I just heard today, Smirnov Vodka, is also pursuing in an attempt to usurp Absolut's absolute market dominance....)

Coors CEO, Peter, recently ran for the Colorado senate as a staunch and uncompromising conservative. He used no small portion of his personal fortune acquired via Coors Brewing to attempt this political purchase. And now he wants the very men and women whose lives he deems reprehensible to foot the bill for his return to financial superiority? SHAME on you....but SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on any GLBT person who just has to drink a Coors! I'm no beer aficionado, but may I suggest Grolische? or Sam Adams? or a Corona with lime?

Don't let Coors perform their "Golden" Colorado shower on our heads all the way to their banks and our descrimination.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Our Latest American Hero #41

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Army Spc. Timothy A. Fulkerson, 20, of Utica, Ky.; assigned to the 1st Battalion, 82nd Aviation Reconnaissance Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.; killed Oct. 8 when a landmine detonated near his vehicle during combat operations in Tikrit, Iraq.

“'All American' Dies Protecting Fellow Troops”

Spc. Timothy Adam Fulkerson joined the Army in 2004 to get his college education, his uncle said Wednesday.

Instead, two years after enlisting, he lost his life in Iraq.

Fulkerson, a 20-year-old Fort Bragg paratrooper, died Sunday from wounds he received during combat operations near Tikrit, Iraq, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne Division.

Fulkerson, of Utica, Ky., was assigned to D Company, 1st Battalion, 82nd Aviation Reconnaissance, 82nd Airborne Division.

Fulkerson’s mother offered to work three jobs to help put her son through college, Greg Skaggs said. But Adam, as he was called by his family, wanted to pay for his own education.

And the Army offered him that opportunity, Skaggs said.

Fulkerson was 13 when he went to live with Skaggs and his wife, Anissa “Nikki” Skaggs. He was the son of Tammy Brown and Timothy L. Fulkerson. He was a 2004 graduate of Daviess County High School in Owensboro, Ky., Skaggs said.

“He was an avid drawer,” Skaggs said. “He drew cartoon characters.”

Friends and family will remember Fulkerson for his wit and his personality.

“He was about as witty as you could get,” Skaggs said. “He was a bright light. You could walk into a room, and you knew he was there.”

Fulkerson’s company commander agreed.

“His positive attitude and side-splitting sense of humor kept us all upbeat, even in the most difficult of times,” Capt. Jonathan T. Belmont said in the statement. “I felt honored to serve with such a fine trooper.”

Fulkerson was the epitome of the all-American kid.

“If you looked under American boy in the dictionary, his picture would have been right there,” Skaggs said.

Fulkerson, who worked on Apache Longbow helicopters, volunteered to go on a convoy, Skaggs said, when he could have stayed on base.

Skaggs and his wife learned of Fulkerson’s death Monday when Army personnel came to their home. Skaggs’ first thought, he said, was that they were lost and looking for directions. He commended the soldiers for their dignity and professionalism.

“I know their job sucks, probably worse than anything,” Skaggs said.

Fulkerson was assigned to the 82nd Airborne in April 2005. His awards include the Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart.

“He was a great all-American who died while protecting fellow troopers,” Col. Kelly Thomas, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade commander said in the statement. “His professionalism and dedication serve as an exemplary model for every soldier.”

A memorial service was held Tuesday in Iraq. Funeral arrangements are incomplete pending the return of Fulkerson’s body to his family.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Our Latest American Hero #40

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Army Spc. George R. Obourn Jr., 20, of Creve Coeur, Ill.; assigned to the 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; killed Oct. 4 after being attacked by enemy forces using small arms fire and other weapons in Taji, Iraq. Also killed were: Spc. Timothy R. Burke, Staff Sgt. Christopher O. Moudry and Pfc. Dean R. Bright.

“Funeral Announced For Soldier With Naperville Ties”

Funeral arrangements have been announced for Army Spc. George Obourn Jr., the latest service member with Naperville ties killed in Iraq.

Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at Deiters Funeral Home, 444 E. Washington St., East Peoria. Obourn is originally from Creve Couer, where the 20-year-old grew up and attended East Peoria Community High School. Obourn's parents moved to Naperville a few years ago.

Obourn joined the Army with his best friend, Army Spc. Kristofer Walker, who was killed by a roadside bomb Oct. 2 in Taji, Iraq. Obourn was killed Oct. 3 in an explosion in Baghdad.

The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home and will be officiated by Pastor Gary Olson of Naperville's Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Obourn's parents are members of Good Shepherd's congregation.

Olson said the Obourns asked him to travel to East Peoria and that such a gesture reflects their family spirit.

"I think the tribute really goes to them in putting their values into action," Olson said. "Their faith family is a significant part of who they are and who they will lean on to get through this very difficult time.

"This really demonstrates what George Jr. demonstrated in life: loyalty. He was loyal to his family. His friends. He was loyal to his marching band.

"The family has very positive core values. They're very affirming people, very steadfast. They in a very positive way put their faith into action."

Obourn will be buried at Lakeview Cemetery in Pekin with full military honors.

Monday, October 23, 2006

14 Days And Counting

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Here are the stats. The Dems have 195 SAFE seats and 19 PROBABLE seats for a total of 214. The Republicans have 182 SAFE seats and 23 PROBABLE seats for a total of 205. There are 16 seats in play and the magic number is 218. So the Democrats only need 4 of the 16 "in play seats" to take over the House.

Here are the 16 critical seats and the Democrats who attempting to occupy them; and three more that I am given to think are actually in play, too.

Darcy Burner
Candidate for U.S. House, WA 8th District

Patricia A. Madrid
Candidate for U.S. House, NM 1st District

Christine Jennings
Candidate for U.S. House, FL 13th District

Ron Klein
Candidate for U.S. House, FL 22nd District

Philip Kellam
Candidate for U.S. House, VA 2nd District

Patty Wetterling
Candidate for U.S. House, MN 6th District

Steve Kagen
Candidate for U.S. House, WI 8th District

Tammy L. Duckworth
Candidate for U.S. House, IL 6th District

Baron Hill
Candidate for U.S. House, IN 9th District

Mary Jo Kilroy
Candidate for U.S. House, OH 15th District

Lois Murphy
Candidate for U.S. House, PA 6th District

Jack Davis
Candidate for U.S. House, NY 26th District

Michael Arcuri
Candidate for U.S. House, NY 24th District

Kirsten Gillibrand
Candidate for U.S. House, NY 20th District

Diane Farrell
Candidate for U.S. House, CT 4th District

Joseph Courtney
Candidate for U.S. House, CT 2nd District

And My Three Other Picks:

Gary Trauner
Candidate for U.S. House, WY At-Large District

Gerald McNerney
Candidate for U.S. House, CA 11th District


Jay Fawcett
Candidate for U.S. House, CO 5th District

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Art I'm Seeing #13

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
On this crisp and eventually sun lit autumn day, I traveled yet again to Lancaster, Pennsylvania to pay a visit to the Charles Demuth Foundation's Museum. The occasion was a two-fer: 1) my monthly outing with my ex- and his (and MY) beloved grandmother (it's a tradition that we established over a decade ago, and which has outlasted our relationship by over three years now -- Something’s slip away and others are just too important to lose), and 2) the exhibition commemorating the 25th year of the foundation.

Charles Demuth (1883-1938) is an American artist who grew up in Lancaster, and the Foundation is blessed to own his home and use it as their gallery space. It's a modest storefront structure, with a quaint sideyard reached through a covered alley. The gallery has all of three rooms in which to create and display works of art. Whatever it concocts is the antithesis of the urban museum blockbuster show; and perhaps, as much as I love Demuth, is a metaphor for his place in the lexicon of early 20th century artists (watercolors being his most prolific medium). And yet, his associations with other artists of that time period (Alfred Steiglist, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O'Keefe, Arthur Dove) will always keep for him a place in the wider world of American artists.

And I for one simply LOVE his work. As someone who has worked with watercolor as a medium, I can appreciate his technical prowess. But more than that, I also love his aesthetic sense of color and composition.

After visiting the exhibition, we were joined by my ex-'s college roommate and mutual friend for a cup of coffee at a local coffee house. (I found the leaf on the sidewalk on our walk between the museum and the coffee house.)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Our Latest American Hero #39

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Army Sgt. Joseph W. Perry, 23, of Alpine, Calif.; assigned to the 21st Military Police Company, 16th Military Police Brigade, XVIIIth Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, N.C.; killed Oct. 2 when his mounted patrol came in contact with enemy forces using small arms fire during combat operations in Muhallah, Iraq.

“Inspired To Serve By 9/11, Local Man Pays Ultimate Price”

ALPINE, CA - As a senior at Granite Hills High School in El Cajon, Joseph W. Perry faced an uncertain future. He had no plans to attend college, and he knew his part-time job of spinning rap tunes as a disc jockey at dances and parties would only go so far.

“He was completely directionless,” said his mother, Kirsten Yuhl.

Sept. 11, 2001, changed everything.

Determined to serve his country no matter the cost, he joined the Army after graduating from high school and underwent basic training at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Sgt. Perry was several months into his second tour of duty in Iraq when he was killed Monday on a mission in the Dora Market area of southern Baghdad. He was 23.

“Between his deployments, he had said to me that he never felt more alive than when he was in Iraq,” Yuhl said. “He was well aware of the sacrifices and willing to take on the responsibility. He never regretted his enlistment.”

After his five-year enlistment, which was to end in July 2007, Sgt. Perry intended to marry Christina Wert, 28, of Fayetteville, N.C. They had been engaged since November.

Trained in the Army as a military police officer, Sgt. Perry was planning a civilian career in law enforcement, his mother said.

While deployed in Iraq in May, Sgt. Perry received a Bronze Star for stepping in the line of fire and diverting it from his squad, his mother said. He also received a Purple Heart for a minor wound.

On his fatal mission, he was serving as a gunner in a Humvee when he was shot by a sniper. “They were checking out a report of some men in the area with weapons,” his mother said. “The people in the vehicle with him reported talking, probably laughing, to ease the tension. Suddenly it was silent – he died instantly.”

Sgt. Perry was assigned to the 21st Military Police Company, 16th Military Police Brigade, XVIII Airborne Corps, at Fort Bragg, N.C. In Iraq, where he first was deployed for nine months in June 2003, one of his assignments was training Iraqi police.

“He felt he was making progress in handing more responsibility over to the Iraqis,” his mother said.

Growing up in East County, Sgt. Perry had shown a talent for photography at a young age. At 10, he won a National Geographic children's calendar award for a photo he took of one of his pet cats.

He played in ice hockey leagues in La Mesa and despite a lanky frame – about 6-foot-2, 160-170 pounds – he played end in football as a freshman and sophomore at Granite Hills High.

“Friends of his from his elementary and middle school years told us he loved to play Army as a kid,” said his maternal grandmother, Helen Yuhl of Descanso. “He would go out in the brush with a toy gun.”

The Army was in Sgt. Perry's blood. Yet, he did not consider it an option during his high school years until 9/11, his family said.

His father, Everett Perry, and mother are both Army veterans. Sgt. Perry was born Sept. 4, 1983, in Germany, where his parents were stationed at the time.

"Let's Dance"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
is the theme of the November-December "The Gay & Lesbian Review" out of Harvard University. The subtitle is "Bodies In Motion." And the cover features this photograph taken in 1938 of Ted Shawn and His Men Dancers as they rehearsed at the Dancer/Choreographer's studio in the Berkshires called Jacob's Pillow. The article traces the history of the institution as well as some of the history of Mr. Shawn. From his first marriage and dance company, to he and his wife's ménage a trios with another man, to their separation, his founding of Jacob's Pillow, and his settling in with a male lover for the remainder of his life. It's an interesting article that traces the ways in which Mr. Shawn's work opened doors of respectability and acceptance for men as classical and modern instruments of dance.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Quilts I've Made

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Love this picture sent by friends who received this quilt from me.

So somewhere in Kansas (oh, yes, Kansas, Dorothy!) is a iron post bed adorned with this quilt. It was a wedding gift, and the colors (orange & purple) reflect the choices of the couple. The very center section was completed by my ex-, as the gift was from both of us.

This is the couple who happened to visit us on the very day that my ex- announced his departure from and the end of our relationship back in June of 2003. So clearly they deserved something special to both celebrate their wedding and commemorate this visit!

And in the same way a quilt comforts...time soothes and heals all wounds, if we let it. Blessings!

What I'm Watching #38

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This is an indi-film that chronicles the adventures of a blue haired gen-X-er on a skateboard who works in a used CD store and loves lots of people. It's fun, it's amateuristic, it's sexy (lots of sensual man flesh), and it's melodramitic. As camp, it almost succeeds. As a serious movie? -- when do you get your diploma?

And the ultimate question: Is it worth the time? Sure, how better to spend your next 92 minutes? After all, even when the spirit is willing, the flesh is the tweek!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Rivo Drei

A few weeks ago I shared with you a link to this video, but now I have the real thing for your convenience and enjoyment! Wie Flugzeuge.

What I'm Watching #37

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
It's been a while since the first time I saw this controversial and fascinating film. Even today, twenty plus years hence its original release, it is easy to imagine how the marketers state on the cover "The Most Controversial Film of the 20th Century." But more than that, it's also a good movie, with a stellar cast starting with Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole, John Geilgud, Helen Mirren, and Teresa Ann Savoy, to scratch the surface. Produced by Penthouse Inc. the movies greatest flaw is it's occasional gratuitous sex scenes. They are flat, and in at least one instant, pointless. Having said that, I'm not talking about all of the sex in the movie. The pervasive presence of all things sexual generally supports the plot and script with stunning effect.

The first thing you see in the film is this quote: "What should it profit a man, if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul." Mark 8:36. A simple summation of the life of Caligula, or at least the 4 years depicted in this movie (37AD - 41AD). Everyone should find a way to see this one at least once.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hold Your Nose!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Another fag hating, self-serving, closeted Republican Faggot in the US Congress, this time the Senate! What gives?

It's Larry Craig from Idaho who's been breaking back mountains for years! When will we grow up and drop this aspect of humanity from our roster of tools from which to exert power and control? It would certainly make life for Senator Craig easier....

But as he's spent a lifetime in politics gay bashing, I am perfectly happy to lend his soul over whatever ring in Dante's inferno seems most appropriate! Burn, Baby, burn.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Olly Olly Ox-in-free, Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

So there are 32 other people in the United States with my first and last name? Well, I know that there are 5 listings for someone with my first, last, AND middle name in West Virginia! One hopes that the same guy is just moving around a lot.

As to my last name, Howmanyofme.com indicates that there are 26,997 Americans with my sirname, making it the 1298th most common last name in a tie with 156 others. I only wish it would tell me some of the others. Anyway, check this site, it's fun.

Like Being 19!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
FROM: Morning Edition, October 6, 2006 · Sandi Cote-Whitacre and Bobbi Cote-Whitacre have been together for nearly 40 years.

The two met when they were very young. As Bobbi asked her partner recently, "Do you remember what it was like when we were 19 and totally in love -- and couldn't tell anyone?"

While the couple knew immediately that they would spend the rest of their lives together, the people around them weren't so accepting.

After moving to a small town in Ohio, their relationship was revealed. Bobbi's mother gave them three days to leave town, Sandi recalls, "so that we wouldn't disgrace your father, his practice, your extended family."

Despite that reaction, Sandi and Bobbi stayed together, and after 33 years they were joined in a Vermont Civil Union ceremony, finally announcing their commitment to each other out loud.

But there was one condition set for the occasion: Bobbi's mother insisted that she walk her daughter down the aisle. Her demand came despite a recent diagnosis of a brain hemorrhage.

"And this was the same woman," they said in unison, "that gave us three days to get out of town."

Four years after their Vermont ceremony, Bobbi, 58, and Sandi, 59, were officially married in Massachusetts. And having their friends and family there, Sandi says, "was sort of like being 19 again."

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What I'm Watching #36

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Another Saturday of cinema.....

Innocent is Simon Chung's first full-length film...every director has one....and it shows. The story is of a family who emigrates from Hong Kong to Toronto and then disintigrates. The story swirls around the teenage son and his coming to terms with his gay sexuality. The story plods along in Cantonese and English through a series of disappointments and betrayals until it finally stops. That's pretty much it.

But now for the good stuff. The video contains two bonus shorts from Simon Chung's previous work. Both are set in his native Hong Kong. The first, I'd actually seen many years ago as part of one of those gay video short compilations. "Simon's Beloved" tells the story of two adolescent friends as one faces the reality that he's about to be sent to boarding school in England. The time frame covers less than a 24-hour period, and climaxes on a night spent sleeping on a beach and a fateful kiss.

The second is called, "Life Is Elsewhere" and is a trinity of enigmatic vignettes strung together on the poetry of Arthur Rimbaud. Amazing.

Buy the DVD, but buy it for the bonus films.

What I'm Watching #35

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This is not an easy film to describe.

It's a tour de force of ideas, emotions, moments; each like the bits of fire released by a sparkler on the 4th of July. They shine and then they're gone.

The theme is opera meets techno dance culture. There are amazing moments with great detail to set design and location. The performances by Dan Spielman and Leeanne Walsman are wonderful. Lots of great music, especially Lisa Gerrard's (Dead Can Dance) haunting vocals. The dealer-pimp drives a YELLOW sports car. If not for the cinematography (At times reminding me of "Amelie"), it would be a collection of enthralling moments plopped down in a murky movie. How is it that other countries (Australia, in this case) can produce such interesting films for a fraction of the cost that mainstream US films demand? Well, worth the dime/time, if you can get access to it.

A couple of quotes from the film:

“.... Governor, tell me something. Who do them crickets luv?.....

Maybe they just love life. For them it sounds like this..... See, crickets have very small minds that move really fast. So, what we hear as legs vibrating, they hear as a holy hymn."


"If you throw your voice into an empty space, it echoes to the ones you love."

It's Good For The Soul

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
What was it like when former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey experienced his first homosexual kiss? Let him tell you in his own words: "We undressed and he kissed me. It was the first time in my life that a kiss meant what it was supposed to mean - it sent me through the roof. I was like a man emerging from 44 years in a cave to taste pure air for the first time, feel direct sunlight on pallid skin, warmth where there had only been a bone-chilling numbness. I pulled him to the bed and we made love like I'd always dreamed: a boastful, passionate, whispering, masculine kind of love."

With prose like this, why'd he fool around in politics? Gay Harlequin Romances in his future.......

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hindsight Is....

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
sometimes more than 20/20; it's just weird!

I loved the cover on this week's New Yorker the first time i saw it. Pure genius: single engine planes dusting the trees of New England with the colors of fall. Brilliant, right? That is until New York Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle and his flight instructor careened into a Manhattan high-rise.

An ironic coincidence......

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What I'm Listening To #18

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Perfect number for a post that promos a CD with sexually explicit lyrics. Very Gay Affirming Techno/Pop music. Bravo, Branski Beat. Keep beating it!

Red Delicious?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I love apples! And not just Red Delicious presented upon delicious backsides!

Apples are cool. Apples are interesting. Apples are complex.

Some Facts:

#1 (Malus Domestica) is a unique plant. It doesn't produce offspring like itself. Each apple seed holds the possibility of creating an utterly unique and amazing fruit, and more than likely, NOT! But every specific type of apple in the market is the result of a unique tree that grew from the seeds of another in a particular place and time. And all the trees that make the same fruit are CLONES. Period. (No cloning BUSH, no more apples!--no doubt that is just too complex an idea for our psuedo-President to get....but I digress, yet again.)

The first Golden Delicious sprouted on a hilltop in West Virginia. The first Red Delicious was actually whacked down by a farmer in Iowa for a couple of years, but proved so tenacious, that he finally let it grow! And Granny Smith lived in Australia, where her namesake apple tree grew from some random seed.

#2 Apples as a plant come from Central Asia: Kazakhstan, to be specific.

#3 In the early years of our country, apple trees were very common and varieties unique to each colony and region. There is a farm in New York state that houses over 3,000 varieties and is committed to preserving examples of all of these antique cultivars.

#4 The early fame of apples was not the meat of the fruit, but the juice. Apple juice was the most common and easily created alcoholic drink. Cider was alcohol. There was no refrigeration, and there was no such thing as apple juice vs. "hard cider" -- it was all "hard." People grew apple trees to make liquor.

#5 Johnny “Appleseed” Chapman was a pervert....not that there's anything wrong with that. His legacy has a gilded relationship to his reality.

#6 Carrie Nation's Axe was more about chopping down apple trees than busting up kegs of liquor! It was an act of civil disobedience that led a nascent industry into the modern world of the ad campaign and spawned the slogan, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” In a world of media spin, this should come as no surprise, but a hundred years ago, it was a radical concept. And it saved the apple as a good fruit and staple of our fruit regime.

Now, BACK to this little Red Delicious......!

Children of the Universe

I love stop-motion animation. And this is a sweet little song, too! Inspite of bizaar endings~!

Sunlight through Begonias

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
You already know about my fetish with light and the way it effects objects and moments.

A couple of years back, I secured window boxes against the upstairs windows in the back of my home. It's the western side of the house, and in the afternoon the waning sunlight addresses the flowers in a more horizontal manner. This year I have begonias in these mini-second-story gardens, and the effect can, by my reckoning, be absolutely magical. The light illuminates the translucent layers of leaves and petals casting shadows and creating a stained-glass glow.

A veritable "poem" of sunlight and matter, that reminded me of this poem.

The Sun

Look: the sun has spread its wings
over the earth to dispel the darkness.

Like a great tree, with its roots in heaven,
and its branches reaching down to the earth.

~ Judah Al-Harizi, 1170-1235

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Little Special Tuesday

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Dear Hearts, it's a special Tuesday! I found a cache of videos of Stephen Lynch on YouTube and I'm sharing some of his rare and amazing comedy with you! Enjoy.

PB ~ If the download stops. Press the pause button and give it a few seconds to load before resuming the cast. You can gage the time you'll need by the growth of the red bar at the bottom of the view screen. Trust me, it's worth the wait!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Jonny McGovern "The Gay Pimp"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The genius behind the previously YouTube posted video "Soccer Practice .... Something Dirty~" on this blog is Mr. Jonny McGovern. His "My Space" space claims he was born in 1906, but I find sparse evidence to support the claim. What it does support is his total anarchistic, homocentric, in your face, F#&k reality state of being! Touché, mon cher erotique!

I down loaded his album from iTunes and the first track is a live concern intro that goes as follows amid the uproar and cheers of the multitude: "He's a teen pop sensation. He's the dirtiest gay boi in the world. He's the dirty Drill Sargeant. He turned your boyfriend gay. He made your Daddy leave your Mommy. And he's the Homo to holler for when you're in trouble. He's the Gay Pimp!"

Well, how can anything I try to cleverly concoct beat off that come on -- a truly master-baited promo of climactic hyperbole! What more can be said?

Okay. I can think of one other thing. If my friend, Ms. B. reads this; please, turn your son, S., onto it. He'll be as delighted by it as I am, I'm sure!

Random Quote #57

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
"Life is a moment between two eternities."

~ Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662

Our Latest American Hero #38

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Army Staff Sgt. Edward C. Reynolds, Jr., 27, of Groves, Texas; assigned to the 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; died Sept. 26 of injuries sustained when his M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle rolled over while maneuvering in Baghdad. Also killed was Pfc. Henry Paul.

"A soldier from Port Arthur has died in Iraq, not during combat, but in an accident. Relatives tell KFDM News 28 year old Edward Charles Reynolds was killed Monday night. A bridge collapsed while Reynolds was traveling with his Army convoy on Monday night. The 28 year old soldier was rescued, but he died on the way to a hospital.

Reynolds had served in Iraq for nearly two years.

Reynolds, who was known as "Jay" to his friends, was a graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School.

He leaves behind three children. Family members say he was a beautiful man with a good heart. "

What I'm Watching #34

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This was a good movie. genuinely funny, and uplifting. Must see DVD!

What I'm Watching #33

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Beware, the quote on the box says it all: "...an infectiously silly dark comedy." Or does it? It certainly has its silly moments; and a fair share of darkness. However, infectious....hmmm, well, that bug didn't bite me. And this brings us to the word "Comedy."

Merriam-Webster defines the word this way:
Main Entry: com·e·dy
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin comoedia, from Latin, drama with a happy ending, from Greek kOmOidia, from kOmos revel + aeidein to sing; related to ODE
1 a : a medieval narrative that ends happily "Dante's Divine Comedy" b : a literary work written in a comic style or treating a comic theme
2 a : a drama of light and amusing character and typically with a happy ending b : the genre of dramatic literature dealing with the comic or with the serious in a light or satirical manner
3 : a ludicrous or farcical event or series of events "a comedy of errors"
4 a : the comic element b : humorous entertainment

Strike definition one, obviously. And number two doesn't quite fit, either. But wait, ah, definition three. That's it (with apologies to Shakespeare)!

So, it is a comedy! It's just not that funny. Which isn't the same thing as not worth watching. I did enjoy it, but not for any easily definable reasons. It's not an easy to define movie -- but then again, it is French. Evelyn Dandry was delightful as the mother. And the reason that I bought the film in the first place, Stephen Rideau, did a fine job in a lesser role, and demonstrated that he can sport a leather harness quite well!

So, if you want to spend an hour and twenty minutes completely distracted from the events of your life in a way that will defy the conventions that you understand as comedic? In a word: SITCOM.

Mom, Dad....I have something to tell you.

Is There A Right Way.....

to come out to your folks?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What I'm Watching #32

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
It's a movie weekend....

"Mango Souffle" is touted as "The first gay male film from India." And as such it deserves a certain reverence. It was created from a play and the stage/theatrical aspects of it's production are as apparent as the level breeches after Katrina. Even some of the actors don't seem to get the difference between the two mediums. So the drama becomes a melodrama, because the actors over play their roles as if they were on a stage with poor acoustics.

Those are the "Delta's". A "plus" is the performance of Ankur Vikal. Totally sexy, completely in the moment -- he holds the pieces together, even though I'm left wondering 'why bother?'.

What I'm Watching #31

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Simon is a Dutch film that tells the story of an unlikely pair of friends who meet and then in a moment of enlightenment are reunited. Between them is a gulf of understanding that they navigate to the benefit and consternation of those around them.

Simon is study of friendship and love. How forgiveness and humor and the unspoken tendrils of passion and compassion bind each of us to one another.

Simon is a story about choices and consequences. It's a story about euthanasia that takes place in both Amsterdam and Asia. And if you are the least bit susceptible to the power of cinema, have a box of Kleenex handy.

Just Think About It

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
"Happy Trails: Gay Cycling Club"

Bisou Cochon: Kids Do The Darnedest Things

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Remember the next time a toddler plants a sloppy kiss on your cheek, to wash your face thoroughly. After all, you have no idea where that little tongue has been!

Bonny Prince...or is that Randy Prince Henry?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Oucha Magoucha! It's gotta be a joke that the fare little Harry is playing on the paparazzi! I mean, first off, he's British -- trust me it's not the same as being Brazilian! Next, he's the genetic product of millennia of royal inbreeding, i.e. strike two. Now, if for some reason, Charles is NOT his daddy...I'd be open to rethinking the penis--um, premise...

Friday, October 06, 2006

St. Keith

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
In a world in which the opposition has too long been silent, has too often been polite, and too readily accepted defeat....and all as the result of a presidential "blow-job", it is beyond refreshing to discover a voice of reason in this avaricious, hubristic, ego-maniacal, and fascist world of America under Bush. And that voice is MSNBC's Keith Olbermann.

Please don't tarry, but go to: www.crooksandliars.com and listen to his most recent commentary. You'll have to scroll down to find it, but do so. Edward R. Murrow has an heir, and he's got the whole world in his hand, and heart, and mind, and voice. And I thank God he does.

Fishy Story!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
You know the guy on the right, it's Republican (psuedo-President) George Bush, and the guy on the left is Republican (psuedo-Heterosexual) Representative Mark Foley of Florida. Now do you know what they are saying to one another? Neither to do I! But just imagine with me, if you will.....

"You're fucking me!"

"Naw, I swear! That kid's cock was 14 inches long--soft!"

'Wow! Where's he from?"

"Texas! Hell, everything's bigger in Texas!"

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mind the Gap

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Leave it to my blessed New Yorker magazine to lift my spirits after a long day at work and training session after.

This is one of a dozen or more adverts for the Gap that appears in the latest issue (Oct 9-16). They all feature famous people with a word in which the last three letters are r e d which appear in parenthesis. The first, for example, is inspi(red) and features a picture of Steven Speilberg. And unfortunately, he's the only celeb that I recognized! Man I'm so un-hip!

Yet anonymity didn't spoil my appreciation for this one! Now some young hipster needs to let me know who this conjito is, por favor.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

"Holy 'Reno 911,' Batman!"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This is an add that appeared on the sidebar of the my Hotmail mail page this evening. It's for an e-mail order costume site. Nothing odd about that....

But check the "basket" out on the model! I mean, OMG!

Is that a banana in your pocket? Or are you just glad to see me?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Evening Musings

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I love this photo of President Clinton with Nelson Mandela. It's from a recent New Yorker magazine article. The two statesmen are visiting a pediatric care unit in a Johannesburg Hospital. Notice their hands. The former president clasps the Nobel Prize winning elder statesman with a firm and compassionate grip. You know that they are both in that moment. Real to each other on a level that transcends a mere photo op.

It makes me long for a day again when we as Americans will be led by a man or woman who's character aspires to the greater good, and who's character flaws don't translate into policies that breed fear and contempt among the nations of the world.

I understand that one of the leading conservative, Christian, right-wing activist, Representatives (from Florida), a Mr. Mark Foley, is in actuality a closeted Homosexual who has a thing for men who are 38 years his junior, below the age of legal consent, and apparently heterosexual! My, my, my.... What a surprise ---> NOT!

As a gay man living in the shadow of the capital, I can tell you he is probably NOT alone in his sexual duplicity as a Republican in the Congress. I've heard the rumors for years of at least one Republican Senator, and two Representatives of the Grand Ol' Party who like it doggy-style...And they are not the Top Dog! But "Daddy" Foley is the first hypocrite who would be better off living in the Netherlands, where the age of consent wouldn't impose upon his indiscretions the additional mantle of criminality.

Foley is a great poster child for the "sick" state of Republican leadership and his fall is particularly ironic in the shadow of the GOP's witch hunt against Clinton, which turned a consensual and LEGAL (however, immoral) act of fellatio -- which was by no means unique in the history of the presidency -- into a reason to malign the office of the Presidency and the national and collective sense of pride in our country.

Make no mistake about it. The GOP used the Lewinsky Affair to shame supporters of Clinton, and by extension, all Democrats into a place of silence and submission. We were fools for accepting this "scarlet letter", and our nation has been damaged profoundly by our lack of moral fortitude in light of this scandal.

So how much sweeter when the pendulum swings home? I, for one, hope that the Democrat Leadership will stop playing nice, stop placing their “Poly Anna” sense of the "national good" before petty party politics, and use this little situation to play "Pay Back Time" for all it's worth!

The Republican's have depended upon the Democrat Party to place principle above partisan advantage for too long now. And the Dems have done this believing that the high ground would translate into support for a political party that is above the fray. Makes sense, no? But it just doesn't work. The nation appears to be by and large trapped in a "Jerry Springer" mentality. They want a fight. And when it doesn't happen, they have no stomach for what they perceive as a "weakness" dressed up as moral turpitude.

Will the DNC figure this out? I'm not holding my breath....

Someone's Been acting....

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
the Sedicious Provacateur! Hmmm....could it be me?

To date, 'someone,' has been visiting telephone poles in the area to the tune of nearly 100 of them and leaving posters like this one stapled to them in their wake. Each depicts two different soldiers killed in our war on Terrorism with the heading "The True Cost of War: El Coste Real de la Guerra." Under the pictures are each soldier's rank, name, age and home town/state/territory. Between the two images is this quote: "In peace the sons bury their fathers, but in war the fathers bury their sons." ~ Croeseus, 595 BCE-547 BCE.

Viva la Freedom of Speech!