Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
What I'm Listening To #58

Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Massachusett's Kennedy Conundrum

The IDEAL: Massachusetts deserves a full compliment of senators, which reflect the state's progressive majority ethos at a time when every senator matters to the nation as a whole.
The REAL: Because the majority of the citizens elected progressive Democrats to make their laws, those elected officials created a scheme to protect their interests from the possibility of being represented by a conservative appointee sent to the senate by a former Republican governor.
How to proceed? What's the bottom line? Here's my perspective: The people of Massachusetts elect legislators whom they feel will protect and promote their interests. The law to deny former Republican Governor Mitt Romney the ability to appoint a conservative politician to the Senate did that. And now their imminent reversal of that law simply does the same thing: it represents the will of the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. You can dislike it, you can pooh-pooh it, but it ultimately boils down to something South Carolina's Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, most recently reiterated during the confirmation hearings of Sonya Sotomayor to the Supreme Court: "Elections have consequences. Period."
So I predict that Massachusetts governor Duval Patrick is about to have the opportunity to appoint Senator Kennedy's replacement, and this is my suggestion. Appoint someone who will on-face commit to only fulfill the five months between their appointment and the special election. Appoint someone who will exemplify the legacy of Senator Kennedy's life of service. Appoint someone who represents Senator Kennedy's commitment to diversity and justice.
Therefore, APPOINT the retired Suffragan Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America, the Right Reverend Barbara Harris. A black woman of impeccable progressive credentials, whose life's mission has been to serve all of the people of Massachusetts without prejudice in the pursuit of a more perfect union, with liberty and justice for all.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Our Latest American Hero #136

Shelly Wilhelm, 39, of Plymouth, said Kieffer Wilhelm had lived with them for about a year. He graduated from Willard High School in May 2008. She said his father, Adrian “Shane” Wilhelm, 40, last spoke to his son via text message in late July. They last saw him May 7 at his brother’s wedding in Arizona, where Kieffer was best man. The Wilhelms are a military family. Shane is a Navy veteran of Operation Desert Storm. Kieffer’s older brother, Shannon, 21, serves in the Air Force. Shelly said the family got the news Tuesday afternoon,. Shane Wilhelm left for Dover on Wednesday, she said. He is expected to return to Plymouth in a few days with his son’s body. A memorial service will be announced.
FOLLOW-UP article:
Four American soldiers have been charged with cruelty and maltreatment of an 19-year-old soldier who committed suicide after being in Iraq for 10 days, the U.S. military told NBC News Friday.
The four Multi-National Division-South soldiers are accused of hazing Private Keiffer P. Wilhelm of Ohio. They abused Wilhelm with excessive physical fitness, said Lt. Col. Kevin Olson, a military spokesman.
One defense official told NBC News that Wilhelm eventually stopped going to public areas to avoid being harassed repeatedly for being overweight.
Olson said the period of time over which the alleged acts took place was under investigation.
The Fort Bliss soldier locked himself inside a portable toilet and shot himself with a rifle on Aug. 4 in Maysan Province, military officials told NBC. They spoke on condition of anonymity.
Military officials identified the charged officers as Sgt. Enoch Chatman, Staff Sgt. Bob Clements, Sgt. Jarrett Taylor and Spc. Daniel Weber, all of B Troop, 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment from Fort Bliss, Texas.
The four soldiers also are accused of abusing other male soldiers, Olson said.
The accused are part of the first brigade to deploy to Iraq for the new Advise and Assist mission, whose job is to train Iraqi security forces to be better soldiers.
Chatman, of West Covina, Calif., was charged with four counts of cruelty and maltreatment, one count of making a false statement and one count of reckless endangerment. If convicted on all counts, he faces up to 10 years in prison, a dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pay, the military said.
Clements, of Eastland, Texas, faces four counts of cruelty and maltreatment, three counts of making a false statement, one count of impeding an investigation and one count of reckless endangerment. If convicted on all counts, he faces up to 25 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge, the military said.
Taylor, of Edmond, Okla., was charged with two counts of cruelty and maltreatment, one count of making false statement and one count of reckless endangerment. He faces up to eight years in prison, if convicted on all charges.
Weber, of Frankenmuth, Mich., has been charged with three counts of cruelty and maltreatment, one count of reckless endangerment and one count of impeding an investigation. The charges together carry a nine-year maximum sentence upon conviction.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Random Quote #107
New Pocket Magnet Version
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Calendar Time?
My Quilting Ways #18

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Town Hall Meeting 101

I sent him the following response in the form of a post card. 28¢ to support him and be an activist! Who among us can't afford that?
Dear Representative Frank,
I know you are a busy and important person. So, I won’t beat around the bush: I thought your response to that young lady who spoke of Obama and Nazism in the same breath at your recent townhall meeting was BRILLIANT! I’ve never been prouder to call myself a Democrat, a Progressive, a Gay Man, or an American! YOU ROCK, sir.
YOU, fucking ROCK! THANK YOU!--I can shout, too....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My Quilting Ways #17

Monday, August 17, 2009
My Quilting Ways #16

It's a work about diversity: Circles in vibrant colors appliqued against a criss-cross background of white on point squares under a grid of an off-white fabric with a pure white pattern. Subtle versus brilliant. Rigid versus organic. Bland versus vibrant. Conflict drives everything toward resolution, the difference gives everything energy, the journey deeper discovery.
And it's just kind of pretty, too.
TV Stamps

"TV Early Memories" with 20 images from early TV personalities like Rod Serling, Milton Berle & Lassie. 4 favs here: Red Skelton, Dinah Shore, Fran Ållison (Kukla & Ollie), and Raymond Burr. You look at these images and wonder how anyone survived nacent TV and remained straight! The memories are pleasant, even as the post office and stamps may soon become memories in their own right. Modernity is a heartless mistress. And we live in times where story boards for shows of my youth like "Twilight Zone" seem less scary and more inevitable. Great stamps!
What I'm Reading #19

Reading is not really true, here, and yet it is.
Like everything David Sedaris has ever written, it's best when he reads it to you! "When You Are Engulfed In Flames" is no exception. He's such a gifted story teller. Skip the hard cover, go for the 8 disk audio version.
What ultimately makes David Saderis so delightful is his non chalant, intimate accessibility. You can only fully appreciate that when if comes from his own voice, and once there, you'll never read anything that he's written without hearing the cadence and tembor of his voice in your mind. Why waste the brain power? Just buy the DVD's, you won't be disappointed!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
What I'm Watching #210

In a way this movie reminded me of my own college years when I still wasn't ready to own my sexuality and so kept falling into intimate mostly unrequited liaisons with straight boys (it's surprising how far two young men will go with each other when they are both "straight")....interesting film, not at all what I expected.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Whole Foods Market, Inc. -- My Response!

Whole Food Markets, Inc.'s CEO, John Mackey has come out in a pronounced and passionate way against national Healthcare Reform. As a consumer of his business, I cannot accept this blindly. He has every right to take a stand, and I have not only a right, but an obligation to respond. Here's my response, in the form of a letter.
John Mackey, CEO
Whole Foods Market, Inc.
550 Bowie Street
Austin, Texas 78703-4644
Dear Mr. Mackey,
I'm going to keep this short and to the point. Your stance against healthcare reform is surely ill informed and simply unacceptable. As a corporate business owner, you of all people ought to realize the value of a national healthcare system that provides affordable, efficient access to doctors and medicine for all Americans.
We live in the richest nation this planet has ever witnessed, and yet our citizens receive only the 37th best healthcare behind places like Costa Rica, Andorra, & Cyprus! This is simply unacceptable. We have given our new president a mandate to make right in this area what has been for way too long wrong. Your right to oppose this initiative is your sacred option; however, as the corporate leader of a company that I have long supported with my hard earned dollars, it comes at a price.
After years of frequent and regular patronage at your stores in Silver Spring and Gaithersburg, Maryland; I will no longer spend another dime at either. Furthermore, I will do whatever I can to educate my family, friends, co-workers, and church community about your opposition to healthcare reform in the hopes of convincing them to take the same stand.
I sincerely hope that you come to your senses and recant your opposition to healthcare reform.
Civily yours,
A similar letter was sent to each of the members of Whole Foods Market's board of Directors. They are:
Dr. John B. Elstrott
Gabrielle Greene
Hass Hassan
Stephanie Kugelman
Jonathan A. Seiffer
Morris Siegel
Jonathan D. Sokoloff
Dr. Ralph Z. Sorenson
William A. Tindell, III
Here's a copy of the letter that I sent to each of the them:
William A. Tindell, Member of the Board of Directors
Whole Foods Market, Inc.
550 Bowie Street
Austin, Texas 78703-4644
Dear Mr. Tindell,
I'm going to keep this short and to the point. The stance of your CEO, John Mackey, against healthcare reform is simply unacceptable. As a member of the Board of Directors at Whole Foods, you deserve to be informed when your CEO’s actions jeopardize the bottom line of the company you are charged with shepherding.
As I told, Mr. Mackey in a separate letter, we live in the richest nation this planet has ever witnessed, and yet our citizens receive only the 37th best healthcare behind places like Costa Rica, Andorra, & Cyprus!1 This is simply unacceptable. We have given our new president a mandate to make right in this area what has been for way too long wrong. And while I will defend Mr. Mackey’s right as an American citizen to speak his truth, as the corporate leader of your company --a company that I have long supported with my hard earned dollars, his right to an opinion comes at a price.
After years of frequent and regular patronage at your stores in Silver Spring and Gaithersburg, Maryland; I will no longer spend another dime at either. Furthermore, I will do whatever I can to educate my family, friends, co-workers, and church community about Mr. Mackey’s opposition to healthcare reform.
I sincerely hope that you can help Whole Foods discover a more humane stand on this issue.
Civily yours,
What I'm Watching #209

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What I'm Watching #208

Interesting, well directed and written with simple and believable dialogue. I'm glad I watched it. I'm ambivilent about recommending it.
Deer Out! Indeed!

Well, okay...no gold. But something just as precious to this frustrated gardener: a naturally formulated spray that repels dear from using my gardens like a smorgasbord. It's called "Deer Out" and can be purchased via the Internet. After a month where all of my hostas, phlox, violets, begonias and roses have been decimated, I asked my neighbor how his garden had managed to fair so well. And he introduced me to this product.
It has a menthol, pepper-minty smell and is absorbed into the leaves where it claims to protect the plant from consumption for up to 3 months. Here’s hoping!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
What I'm Watching #207

A mon avis, this is the best film Nora Ephron has ever made. Meryl Streep is stunningly endearing as the irrepressible diva of all things "au sujet de la cuisson." The performances of her co-conspirators in the project: Linda Emond & Helen Carey (both familiar to those of us hooked on the "Law & Order" franchise for their varied and reoccurring roles) are delightful. Stanley Tucci delivers such a restrained and beautiful performance as Julia's beloved husband, Paul. Tucci is the epitome of an actor, because he knows exactly what not to do in a scene to make you forget that you're watching a reenactment of anything. The scenes of affection and romance between he and Meryl brought tears to my eyes every time. The costumes and settings were just as much characters in conveying me to the 50's and Julia Child's amazing world.
The story of the here and now was Amy Adams alone, and she carried it with an at times innocent aggression that gave what could have been a sidekick in this film the presence of an equal. This is one I look forward to adding to my DVD collection.
Bon Appetit!
Friday, August 07, 2009
Mi Maduro Burro
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Exponential Times
I posted an older version of this video over a year ago. It's very thought provoking and so here's an updated version, again.
Shocking - Information Age
Shocking - Information Age
What I'm Reading #18

He says of memoir himself, "The lessons I have learned are not limited to race, gender, or sexual orientation. Anyone can learn from my journey. Anyone can overcome a broken heart."
I would love if every teacher at my school would read this story to increase their empathy quota.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Apple as Art, as Lore

The apple is very much like us in that the seeds of every apple contain a unique genetic code. The offspring can be as much like or as imaginably different from the parent as our children. This is called, "heterozygotism," and apples exhibit this characteristic in the extreme. In an apple core this means that the ONLY way to get a replica of an existing variety is to graft it. Err, that would be the old-fashioned version of cloning.
So this particular apple carved into the world came from a progenator that appeared in the field of an Iowa farmer in the 1870's. It wasn't something he anticipated and so in plowing his fields, he wacked it back. But as anyone who owns an apple tree can testify, they are as tenacious as any weed. So for a couple of years, Jesse Hiatt, wacked back this obnoxious plant, but eventually he let the tree grow and thereby discovered the amazing fruit it produced. In 1880, he entered it in a competition which it won, and then sold the rights to a commercial interest who named it Red Delicious and began it's journey into the pantheon of all American apple history. Every single Red delicious apple ever eaten, admired, turned into cider, whatever, since then is a clone of a clone of a clone of that scrappy little volunteer apple tree on that rural Iowa farm. And now someone carves one into a map of the world--how fitting.
Merce Cunningham RIP

Merce was a member of the cast of many who's ideas and influence pushed the rest of us into modernity. Too many people live life as serfs tending the soil of their meager lives never imagining for a moment the power of the present, let alone the possibility of the future. Merce's life expressed a profound desire to live as if the possible were the present, and the present was always reaching out for more...what a compelling witness to our potential.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Cash For Clunkers Fever

I quickly discovered, he was this wonderfully congenial Jamacian-American. We bonded around the teaching thing: in a former life, he taught at an elite high school in Kingston. At 62, he still remembered with genuine nostolgic affection his role as track coach there, and his students whom he'd guided to inter-American first place trophies back in the mid-70's. After emigrating to the United States, he coached at Arch-Bishop Carroll high school in Washington, D.C. for a time and took a few of the kids there to international meets, too, where they prevailed. I love stories. Older men and women possess amazing ones. I went there to explore the possibility of buying a truck, and I walked away owning the gift of another man's world.
On the particulars, I can get $7,500 off the sticker price. The truck I'm looking at is a Nissan Frontier; appears to be available and the monthly payment is cake for me. I'm planning to return tomorrow to close the deal. Having not purchased a new vehicle since 1992!--my current truck, a.k.a. "clunker," doesn't even show up on the Nissan website for trade in quotes (which only goes back to 1995)! And it's engine is still purring like a kitty!
What I'm Listening To #57

Listening again is like opening up a locked box of intimate memories, blunted feelings, and nearly forgotten moments. The risk of melancholy is still ameliorated by Carole King's forceful message of empowerment that is the foundation of this amazing album.
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