Dagnab them! They're at it again--Another new offering to their factory series of detailed city buildings. This time it's a Fire Brigade. And it initially presented me with a conundrum. You may recall that in the interim, one of the buildings that I had made and added to my complimentary city buildings was a Fire Station. And frankly, I really like mine (Lego Factory Series #9, views #1 & #2 -- 20 DEC 08).
So my solution? Buy it (Of course, that was never in doubt). Build it. Make it into a museum. Pretty cool, eh? And so, I also bought another couple of sets so that I could cannibalize the bricks and create an annex that complimented the original structure: After the fashion of so many urban extensions to classically architected structures. Ergo, lego on the left and my annex on the right.

And here's the view from the back. I created a glassed in corner in my building to provide natural light for the display of the vintage fire truck from the lego model. Like lego, my model has a finished interior that includes display areas for artifacts and a modest balcony cafe.
Lego = creative fix for an architect wannabe!
Nicely done! I have a Leggo train, it's the Metroliner. I only get it out at Christmas, though.
Thanks, Lindy! It all started back in 1968.... ;-)
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