For this particular painting, however; mediocrity was not an option. This painting was long sought after, came as a precious surprise, and simply had to be perfectly framed.
My initial concept was an elaborately constructed custom frame that incorporated fabric as an acknowledgement of my relationship with the artist. It would have been adequate. And as I processed it further from concept to execution, it's reality became more and more muddled in my mind. And then, I randomly rediscovered an old frame that I had long kept in the minutia of my clutter.
It's a frame that was my grandmother's and came to me when I raided the junk from her estate. Originally, it held this little oil painting of a landscape--but that had disappeared by the time I got to it. Finding it, I thought, I wonder if this would even fit? Trying it out was like fitting the glass slipper upon the foot of Cinderella. I knew two things that belonged together had been united.
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