As we prepare for the arrival tonight of Santa Claus with gifts for all of the good little girls and boys, let's take a second and review the gifts that the United States Senate gave out over the past month.

First there is the up-grade to the Food and Safety Act that will improve the quality of everything from spinach to lipstick. Thank you!

Second there was a continuation of Tax cuts coupled with a 2% relief from paying social security or FICA taxes next year. The later amounting to a second economic stimulus in the aggregate amounting to around 900 billion dollars. Let's hope it helps!

Third, my personal favorite, the repeal of the failed policy called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" meant to allow men and women willing to lie about their sexual orientation to serve in the U.S. military. It failed because the military did ask. And once a soldier was asked and responded truthfully, they were booted out.

Fourth we have a woopin' and a sad one it is. The Dream act failed to garner enough support to end a threatened filibuster. Even though a majority of senators expressed support for the law that would have allowed alien citizens who were raised here and who successfully competed college or military service to have an expedited path to citizenship, 5 more votes were needed to allow an actual vote to occur. So for now, all it is is a dream deferred.

Final lollipop is the approval for the ratification of the new START treaty with Russia. Armed nuclear warhead of the long range type will go from a current limit of 2,200 to a lower maximum of 1,550. 50 would probably destroy the planet, so it's really just show, but it's a show we've got to get right and this is the latest episode.
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