“An orchid in a deep forest sends out its fragrance even if no one is around to appreciate it. Likewise, men of noble character hold firm to their high principles, undeterred by poverty.”~
Confucius (551–479 BC)
If it's February, it must be Orchid season at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. For 17 years the museum has mounted an orchid display in the bleak of mid-winter. This year's theme is China.

The first formal display is that of a Chinese interior complete with a scroll in the process of being painted with orchids. A few historical Chinese scrolls with orchids as part of the composition accompany the exhibit. One dates back to the 17th century.
Then you round the corner, and you are in the garden.

The final section is orchids on steroids! and comes from the Taiwanese Orchid Society. A wall display opposite this cacophony of color contains the winning orchids from the society's recent annual show.
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