I have some amazing paintings in my collection. At least two artists who have grown to out-price me from any further acquisitions, and one work by Leonard Baskin that my ex- pointed me to which now is worth 10x's plus that I paid for it.
So art is an investment on any scale. Mine is a very humble abacus. My freedom is that I can buy things I love, images that surround me with beauty. The names of the artists increase: April Rimpo, Leonard Baskin, Douglas Witmer, Dean Gray, Jennifer Purdham, Andy Au, Todd Boebel, Renee Shaw, Barbara Kahla, Lynn Bennett-Carpenter, Bob Franks, Paul Rhymer, Della Baxter,
et. al....and the beauty of their works bring me both joy and comfort.
I just found your blog with my artwork. I am so glad to hear how much you loved my painting. It was a sweet and sad moment to find out "Taking a Break" had been sold. I too really loved this painting and had finished it shortly before the exhibit, so I didn't get to enjoy it at home for very long. I'm glad its found a home with other beautiful art.
Trust that it will always be cherished. And thanks for keeping me on you mailing list for exhibitions, I appreciate it!
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