Been riding the fence for a while. Took stock of it today. Placed the Bumper Sticker on my silver Nissan Frontier king-cab pick-up; a.k.a."Mi Maduro Burro".
Some of what Obama has done that makes me proud to support his re-election
• Improved Healthcare Coverage for 32 million American's
• 4 million more children covered by Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
• 5 billion in additional investments in Head Start, Early Head Start and a range of child care programs, and programs for children with special needs
• Over 45 billion spent to retain teachers in the past 3 years
• Doubling Pell Grant funding with an additional 40 billion
• Medical care for American's with disabilities
1. National Alzheimer's Project Act
2. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act
3. Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act
4. Repealed restrictions on Stem Cell Research
• 20 billion increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
• 1.5 billion in Homeless Prevention Funds
• 2% payroll tax cut in 2010
• $2,400, $4,800 and $9,600 tax credits for business who hire unemployed veterans increasing for longterm employment and employment for vets with disabilities related to their service.
• Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
• Sonia Sotomayor appointed to the United States Supreme Court
• Elena Kagan appointed to the United States Supreme Court
• Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell
• Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
• Expansion of same-sex partners benefits for Foreign Service and Executive Branch employees
• Supporting video for the "It Gets Better Project"
• Removal of nearly 100,000 troops from Iraq and end of the War there
• Repatriation of 28 detainees held at Guantanemo Bay
• Removal of leading Terrorist leaders: Osama bin Laden , Sayeed al-Masri , Abu Ayyub al-Masri , Abu Omar al-Baghdadi , Anwar al-awlaki , Abu Hafs al-Shahri , ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman , Ammar al-Wa’ili , Abu Ali al-Harithi, Ali Saleh Farhan, Harun Fazul, Baitullah Mahsud, Noordin Muhammad to name a few.
• Justice Department no longer defends DOMA
With the exception of the killing terrorists, I can't imagine a Republican Administration doing any of this.
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