What's wrong with this picture? I can attest, that as an employee of one of the most successful and wealthy school districts in America, my healthcare is stellar. If I were to loose my job tomorrow--I'd suddenly have bubkis for my plan; emergency rooms, the kindness of strangers, a complete burden on the rest of you working plebes.
I needed healthcare in Italy (#2 ranking) in 1990 for a strepe infection that boiled up on my left calf and got it for all of $4.00 bucks. It cost me even less in Costa Rica (#35 ranking) in 1984 for a remedy sold over the counter to counter-act a fungal skin infection on my face. I've been lucky.
Why should healthcare in the most prosperious and powerful nation on the planet depend on luck or employment? Why should change require politicians beholden to the contributions from contra-indicated interests like pharmasutical conglomerates and Insurance companies to oppose their fiscal masters in favor of their mere constituents? God help us, please....
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