In a nutshell, 3 delinquents (a Basque, a Mexican, and a Moroccan) escape from juvi, run off to Madrid where the ETA wannabe and Arab, blow up a flag and manage to capture 2 of ETA's most notorious operatives. Thus setting up an ending where each gets the girl, woman or man of their choice! God, you gotta love Spanish cinema!
Now lest you think this a comedy, it is not. It takes itself very seriously and in a couple of instances is very violent--people die. Which is why I found the happy ending so bizarre; right down to the warden of the juvinile detention center conspiring with the 50-something year old male lover of the teenage Basque separatist to set up a conjugal visit, when scarcely a week before the same kid nearly severed off one of his thumbs while holding him hostage in his escape -- but hey, why hold a gudge? Life's so short!
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