The Carnegie Museum of Art has come a long way from its original concept of an art gallery afterthought in the original design of the Library back in 1886. Having first opened to the public in 1895, it seems to have never stopped growing. It's most recent renovations opening to the public in 1993 with such a forward thinking design as to feel utterly contemporary nearly 20 years later. I counted what I believe to be 42 gallery spaces within the Museum of Art, and there's ample room around the exterior for sculptures from garden to monumental is size.

One of the nicest spaces associated with the museum is the courtyard seen here through the impressive glass walls of the newest addition.

And the tone of this museum is very positive. You see a lot of good things happening around you as you visit. There were groups of children and young adults creating and discussing art, as well as, the occasional clutch of adults. The one time I had a question all I could manage to find was a gallery guard who didn't look as old as the shoes I was wearing. But that was just my bad luck in that moment. Unanswered questions lead to ponderings that only increase one's grey matter, so it was not without its long-term benefits, too!

I wish you could join me as I ascend the grand staircase to take you on a tour of some of the highlights of my visit. Unfortunately I wouldn't know were to stop so you might as well make plans to visit for yourself! I will share two works briefly with my brief thoughts to whet your appetite.

oil on canvas
Edward Hopper, 1882 - 1967, American
Simple, clean, direct--a touch of red in just the right spot.

fabricated neon
Bruce Nauman, 1941 - , American
Ideas become more obvious as we become less literate. I don't think this was his point, but it's what I got out of it.
Whatever affection I felt toward the Carnegie Museum of Art from my previous visit has only been amplified. What a truly great place to spend a day surrounded by beauty.
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