To my own embarrassment, all I knew of him before reading this book was "The Outsiders" and "The West Wing," and in a way they are the bookends of his career thus far. All of the volumes of short stories and poems on his shelf in between were new adventures for me.
It is highly accessible and filled with both gems of "hollywood" insider tales and more than a handful of amazing experiences. As generous as he is in letting us enter his world, he is by-and-large even more generous to the people who inhabit it with him. And that's a lovely thing. He hints at the end of someday carrying on the story in another book, and if that day comes and I am still here to greet it, I will look forward to picking up where we've just left off.
you gave me an idea what to read next... care to lend me the book? hahaha..
have a wonderful weekend!
I think you will enjoy it. He has had many interesting experiences!
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