1) Comparing this map with the previous one I posted from yesterday you can see that the cloud has thickened and moved further south, north, and east. Most people in the United States don't know that Iceland is the current really "bad boy" of Europe. In a nutshell, it has to do with the fact that during the global financial crisis' days of collapse, the banking system of Iceland went kaput and took with it large amounts of investments from other countries, most notably the United Kingdom. Every since, they've been trying to get the Icelandic people to choose abject poverty for an indeterminate period of time in order to make good on the fiscal promises of its banks -- the people of Iceland have basically responded with that classic Latin credo, "Caveat Emptor." a.k.a. it's your tough shit.
I mention this because the people of Iceland have got to feel pretty beleaguered by the relentless demands of the folks on the continent and all the pressure and threats from the European Union as a whole. Now we all now that Iceland is inhabited by fairy elves. LOTS OF FAIRY ELVES! Thirteen distinct varieties of mischievous elusive little people who help to determine the fortunes of every man, woman and child on the windswept island. I know you know where I'm heading with this. Could it be? Dare I suggest that this little airspace and growing economic catastrophe might just be the elves finally weighing on the whole EU versus Iceland kerfuffle over something as pedestrian and human as "money"? Just sayin'. Don't mess with the elves!
2) On another point, I am SO FREAKING GLAD that President Obama has decided to forego his presence at the funeral of President Lech Kaczynski. With the cloud of ash only growing worse and more problematic and with the Frederick Chopin (awesome choice for the name!) International Airport in Warsaw already closed for business, Obama's earlier assertion that he would go seemed insane. I had to ask, has his celebrity gone to his head? Or is his need for the votes from the Polish communities in Chicago, IL, Hamtramic, MI, and Sanduski, OH worth risking his life? My best friend in the whole entire world is Polish, I love the contribution of Poland's sons and daughters to America, BUT for heaven's sake, anyone who doesn't think that this proposed journey was nuts from the outset can vote for the dog catcher for all I care.
3) Whenever something like this happens, the best and worst of people comes out. It may, in fact, be the only redeemable aspect of a catastrophe: those who survive often find a deeper sense of grace when dealing with the rest of life. I can only imagine how the frustration index in airports, train stations, hotels all around Europe must be peaking in the red zone. And not only Europe, but around the world the ripple effect must be scrambling sensibilities and perspectives everywhere. Given the fact that the arrogance of so many people of means has increased with the growing gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" over the past half-century, it's almost a miracle that no one has escalated their anger to the level of a riot.
And blessed be those who's actions have been a balm to the frustrations of others. Here's a testimony I scarfed from the New York Times blog about Eyiafiallaiokull's eruption and how one airline in one city has attempted to deal with the crisis:
"My daughter was stranded in Singapore, unable to continue on to Paris. Singapore Airlines was magnificent! They provide stranded passenger with sleeping bags and meals. As soon as they coulkd they put up the elderly and parents with children at local hotels; then worked on accommodating everyone else that they could. This included paying for transportation to, and eventually back to the airport. My daughter reported that most people were polite but there were some very rude passengers with whom the Singaporian representatives were very kind, understanding, and professional. She was extremely grateful that she was flying Singapore Airlines. Thank you so much Singapore Airlines for a job above and beyond, I will never forget your professionalism and basic human kindness to my daughter!!"
That made me happy. And YES, thank you, Singapore Airlines.
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