For two weeks now, I feel like I've been to CHURCH when the hours is over. No, I take that back, church isn't nearly as powerful as Glee.
So there are quotes and here they are:
Second runner up: "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put in a call to the Ohio Secretary of State. You know why? People should know who I am." ~ Sue Sylvester
First runner up: "I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary." ~ Brittany
This week's winner: "You have a week to loose ten pounds. That's like loosing one of my butt-cheeks. Look what I'm eating: peeled celery, and for breakfast I had Splenda." ~ Kurt Hummell
Funny and cleaver as ever, but this week also incredibly poignant. If this show was just funny, it would be like "Will & Grass," if were just cleaver, it would rival "The Big Bang Theory". If it were both, it would be another "The Office." -- And none of these comes with songs! But it's all of this and more, and this week it really emphasized the MORE.
So the three most amazing poignant moments are (in sequential order, not based on any quality standard), and a seminal quote from one of the key players:
1) Mr. Hummell and Kurt's confrontation. "Suddenly I'm not the guy who sat through "River Dance" for three years in a row?" ~ Mr. Hummell.
2) Mercedes Jackson and Quinn Fabre in the nurse's office after Mercedes passed out from hunger. "When you start eating for someone else; so that they can grow and be healthy, your relationship to food changes. What I realized is that if I'm willing to eat right to take care of this baby: Why am I not willing to do it for myself?" ~ Quinn Fabre
3) Finn Hudson and his mother when he tried to teach her a lesson by threatening to dump the ashes of his father. "This family manages. We get by. You just don't know any differently, because you think what we have is normal." ~ Carol Hudson
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