This event is being held in memory of 11-year-old Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, one of many beautiful lives cut tragically short because of bullying. Carl took his own life on April 6, 2009 after enduring constant bullying, including being called "gay" and "faggot" despite not even identifying as gay.
Please spend 5 minutes in Carl's memory and CALL YOUR Representative and ask him/her to support (or thank them if they already do) the Safe Schools Improvement Act, a comprehensive federal anti-bullying bill.
If you don't feel comfortable calling your Rep, consider spending 5 minutes in some other way to remember Carl and raise awareness about bullying.
MESSAGE FROM CARL'S MOTHER, Sirdeaner Walker, through GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (http://www.glsen.org):
One year ago Tuesday, my son Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover brought his life to an end after enduring relentless harassment and cruel bullying at school.
It is difficult to put into words what it feels like to remember that terrible day. But it is not difficult at all to do something positive in Carl’s memory.
That is why I hope you will join me in taking a moment from your busy day to reflect on Carl’s life and his tragic suicide – and to remember that bullying in schools has very serious and life-threatening consequences.
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